
All our year levels this term have been working on a piece of artwork that has been inspired by Indigenous Art - focusing on the different Aboriginal art forms and techniques. They were introduced to some traditional and Contemporary Aboriginal Artists to see how their environments, material, symbolism and subject influenced their bodies of artwork. Students then created symbols and selected colours that expressed something about themselves to create either a message stick, boomerang, snake or hand. To add texture and dimension and further express themselves they used a variety of wools, raffia, ribbons, beads and feathers to weave onto their work. This activity gave students the opportunity to share and build upon their threading skills and saw small hubs or groups form where proficient students with a skill (ie, plaiting, braiding, plying) helped others learn new skills - this was wonderful to witness and saw a very community-minded learning environment develop.
Our Extended Art Class have started a new mural over the existing dolphin one outside the Prep toilets.
To make the mural more meaningful and relevant to us, the class has identified and designed images that represent key features in our community. They will be depicting them in a birds eye view painting inspired by Indigenous colours and techniques. We anticipate this will take us until the end of term as we only work on it on Tuesdays (weather permitting). We look forward to sharing this new piece of permanent artwork with you all.
The Art Team
Di Derfi, Tan Shave & Jess Ohis