Grade Six

Term 2 is flying by and our Grade 6 students have been very busy! Our Winter Interschool Sport competition which includes Netball, Kickball, T-ball, Soccer, and Football is in progress. Students are enjoying the opportunity to play against neighboring schools whilst developing their teamwork and sportsmanship skills. We eagerly await Interschool Sports Gala Day which is scheduled for Tuesday 4th June.
The Grade 6 students have been productive in our school kitchen, cooking delicious treats to share with their mums on Mother’s Day. Additionally, selected students from each Grade 6 class are currently participating in the Extended Cooking Program. This program aims to develop a variety of cooking skills and techniques which will be very useful in the future. Our Health and Human Development Program has also commenced. This course is designed to educate students about the changes occuring during puberty and prepare them for the years ahead.
In English, we have been focusing on non-fiction texts. Students have been developing their research skills and are learning a variety of techniques to assist in writing a successful information report on a topic of interest to them. Students have also been embarking on other free choice writing projects, allowing them to express their ideas and creativity. We would like to remind parents that the Premier’s Reading Challenge is open and we encourage our Grade 6 students to read and record as many books as they can.
Our main focus in Mathematics this term has been fractions, decimals, and percentages. Through hands-on activities and challenging tasks, students have been strengthening their understanding of these concepts. Other events this term have included our ANZAC Day service, Cross Country, Casey Library Visits, a chess tournament and Somers Camp.
We look forward to a wonderful second half of Term 2!
The Grade Six Team