John XXIII Netball Club

It was another great weekend of netball, with a few showers thrown in for good measure.
Game report
13 wins overall.
Friday Night Lights
- The Year 2 Pink team had a great game against Wembley.
- The Years 2/3 Orange team played were bested by much taller opponents but didn’t lose their good cheer.
Saturday Morning Fever
- Year 5 Indigo had a close call against Wembley, winning by 1 goal.
- Year 6 Blue team had a draw, while the Year 6 Gold team won by 3 points against Iona.
- Year 7 Zirconia won convincingly 20 – 7 against West Coasters.
- Year 8 Jade and Garnet both had close wins
- Year 9 Amethyst had a large win against Mercedes, 43 – 26.
- Year 10 Sapphire also beat their opponents, St Mary’s 49 – 28
- Year 10 Opal had another great day on court winning against Guildford Grammar 30 – 15.
- There was a derby between Teams Quartz and Crystal. Team Quartz shined on court, they are now sitting comfortably at the top of their ladder.
- Lastly as the afternoon was starting to cool off our Years 11 /12 Diamond team battled against rivals Classics and came away with the win, the final score was 41 – 33.
No Games
A reminder that there are no games this weekend.
Netball WA Association Championships
There are no games this weekend due to the Netball WA Association Championships.
Good luck to the John XXIII College players who are participating.
- Miram Sekendy
- Octavia Gnech
- Bakhita Majok
- Mollie Heller
- Molly Pekin
- Bella Watson (Training Partner)
- Eva Zammuto (Training Partner)
- Lucy Armstrong (Training Partner)
PNA School Holiday Clinics
Registration will open soon for the primary school coaching clinics for junior players.
Registrations will open soon for the practical umpire clinic for secondary school players who would like to learn how to umpire.
To help support finding a cure for Motor Neuron Disease (MND), PNA will run a BIG FREEZE community round between the 6 to 8 June. More details can be found here
On 21 - 22 June it will be the NAIDOC round at PNA.
I hope you all enjoy a lovely long weekend.
See you on court next week.
Milissa Jagers
John XXIII Netball Club Coordinator