Magis report 

Our debating students didn’t let the wild and stormy weather dampen their enthusiasm last Tuesday evening. Our success continued with Round 4 of the WA Debating League (WADL) Schools Debating Competition (SDC), with the majority of our teams securing a decisive win in their impromptu debates. Special thanks to Ms Mary-Anne Lumley (Religious Education Department) for her supervision on the night. Our debating students are now preparing for Round 5, which will be held on Tuesday 11 June (Week 18) at Christ Church Grammar School (CCGS) - with debates commencing at 5:15pm, 6:15pm or 7:15pm. As this round is an impromptu debate, teams will be required to arrive at the venue an hour and 15 minutes before their scheduled debate time. Please note that a number of teams have postponed debates across Weeks 18 and 19. These debates will be held at either Christ Church Grammar School or Churchlands Senior High School. All debating students have access to the fixtures and have been notified of the date/time/location of their postponed debate.



We wish all our World Scholars Teams the best of luck as they compete in the 2024 Perth Regional Round of the World Scholars Cup. Pictured below are our teams boarding a bus very early this morning. Today’s round was held at Aquinas College, with tomorrow’s program to be held at Sacred Heart College. Click on the link below to view the two-day Schedule of Events. We look forward to hearing about their experience in next week’s College Newsletter and wish them all the very best for tomorrow. Many thanks to Ms Carla Tripi (Science Department) and Mr Jordan Webber (English Department) for their assistance at the competition. 




Shakespeare Incursion

Next term, the Magis Program will be hosting The Players, from the Bell Shakespeare Company, for a wonderful afternoon of Shakespeare immersion. A key aspect of our GATE program is providing opportunities for our students to learn 'more'. It is important for our students to be exposed to a wide range of genres, styles, and topics. Learning about Shakespeare gives students a glimpse at another world, and it helps improve their logical thinking processes, emotional intelligence, and cultural awareness.

The incursion will be held on Friday 19 July (Term 3, Week 1), during periods 5 and 6. Students will take part in a short activity prepared by our Shakespeare Club students. This will be followed by a performance of Shakespeare is Dead and then a Q&A with the actors. The incursion is mandatory for our Years 7 and 8 Magis elective students. All other Magis students in Years 8 to 12 are provided the option of signing up to the incursion, by email to the Head of Magis before Friday 14 June (Week 18). We will also be offering places for our high-achieving English and English Literature students. Parents will receive an incursion e-form in Week 19, which we ask is completed before the beginning of next term.


Middle School Ethics Olympiad

Ethics Olympiad provides students with a unique opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. It is designed to get students thinking, talking, and ultimately working together on some of the tough moral issues of our time. Its objective is to do more than just help students think through ethical issues: It is to teach students how to think through ethical issues together, as fellow citizens in a complex moral and political community. This international competition is open for students in Years 7 to 9. Team positions are highly coveted, with only 10 spots available. Expressions of interest are due Monday 24 June (Week 20). A training clinic will be held in Term 3, with the competition scheduled for Term 4.


Junior Gifted Stretch

We are in the process of selecting 12 students across Years 7 to 9 to take part in the 2024 Junior Stretch and Challenge Conference, in conjunction with Academy Learning and Thriving Minds. This transformative event is crafted to unleash the full potential of gifted minds, with a specific focus on STEM-related themes. Nurturing self-discovery, innovation, and intellectual growth, the conference is designed to inspire ambition. By attending, students will be inspired to think deeply, gain valuable insights, and develop skills essential for future success. The conference will be held on Friday 30 August (Term 3, Week 7).


The Global Voices Fellowship

Attention Year 12 students – applications are now open for the Global Voices Fellowship. This life-changing program aims to upskill and develop the next generation of Australian leaders to contribute to domestic and global decision-making. This is a fully funded scholarship, with all domestic and international flights, accommodations, breakfasts, visas, insurance, and registration fees covered. For more information click here or speak with the Head of Magis.

Shakespeare Club 

 Are you a fan of the Bard? Or interested in extending your literature knowledge further? Why not join our College Shakespeare Club? The Club's mission is to foster enjoyment in reading and encourage academic discussion of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. For further details or registration, please email the Head of Magis. 



Term 2 Calendar

You can keep up to date with Magis events by following the Term 2 calendar, which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. 



Daisy Farley

Head of Magis - Gifted & Talented Program