
Meningococcal disease information

Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria (not a virus) and transmitted via mucus or saliva. Meningococcal bacteria can live harmlessly in our throats and noses. Around 20% of people will be carrying these bacteria at any one time without ever becoming ill (‘healthy carriers’). There are many different strains of meningococcus — the most common in Australia are B and C.


The bacteria are spread by activities such as sneezing, coughing, intimate kissing, and sharing food and drinks. Environments where people are in close contact, such as day-care centres, school camps, parties and nightclubs, make it easier for the bacteria to spread. However the bacteria only live for a short time outside the body – and even if you pick them up, it doesn’t mean you’ll become ill. The danger only occurs if you pick up a strain you’re not immunised against, or don’t have any natural immunity to – or if your immune system has for some reason become weakened and cannot cope.


The bacteria do not survive more than a few seconds in the environment, so they cannot be picked up from surfaces or objects contaminated by the infected person’s respiratory secretions. 


Precautions to take

Remember it is important to practice good hand and cough hygiene.


Don’t share:

  • Food, dips, ice-cream
  • Drinks, bottles, straws
  • Lipstick or lip gloss
  • Toothbrushes
  • Cigarettes, mouth guards, musical instrument mouthpieces


  • Don’t suck the end of a shared pen/pencil
  • Don’t suck baby’s dummy before putting it in baby’s mouth
  • Watch out for toddlers sucking and sharing toys

For more information go to


Judy Buckley

College Nurse


Resources: Amanda Young Foundation