Year -1/2 Unit

The students in Year 1/2 have been enjoying building their playground designs from construction materials. The students had time to plan and drawn their designs and consider what materials they would need. They then had several sessions to build their designs. The students have really enjoyed this process and were very keen to get started with their constructions. It was lovely to see lots of students helping others who had either been away for a session or needed help with the building process. It will be an exciting time when they get to share their work with their parents later in the term.
Lots of students in Year 1/2 have now earnt 10 Bee Tokens for meeting our school’s values and expectations. Students are also reaching 25 points and are getting excited about receiving a Mumumburra award at assembly.
In Writing we have been developing our ability to persuade others to agree with their opinion on a range of topics. We have looked at stories like ‘Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’, and ‘Miss Understood’. After reading these stories we discussed differing opinions and wrote persuasive pieces to persuade our readers to agree with out opinions.
- “I don’ think the pigeon should drive the bus because he might crash and break his arms”. Remy
- “I think the pigeon should be allowed to drive the bus because he has good eyesight”. Thomas
- “I think the Big Bad Wolf was guilty and he used the cup cakes to try and trick the pigs into letting him in the house.” Kai
- “ I think the Big Bad Wolf was guilty because he was guilty in lots of other stories, like Little Red Riding Hood”. Phillipa
Over the last few weeks we have been exploring strategies for solving subtraction problems.
We have used counting back, number lines, counters, drawings and other matierials to work out subtraction problems. We also investigated ‘finding the difference between 2 numbers’. Students have been writing subtraction equations to match their working out.
Box 1 | Box 2 |
2 22 7 13 9 11 19 6 15 21 | 20 18 10 13 4 24 29 |
- Can you find a number from box 1 and a number from box 2 with a difference of 2? 5? 3?
- How would you write this as a subtraction equation?
Students are enjoying the problem solving element of our Maths lessons and sharing the strategies they have used and their discoveries with the rest of the grade.
The end of term is getting close and students and teachers are looking forward to Parent/Teacher interviews and then a well earned holiday for a few weeks. It has been a very busy term.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Zoe Sutherland (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)