Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

Welcome to our latest Senior News Update!
The children are really excited about sharing & showcasing their learning around Energy
within the Senior Science Fair tomorrow. The classrooms will be open from 3:00pm.
The more the merrier!
Take a look at some of our students setting up their models……
On another note, we would like to congratulate the students who received Artist of the Week with their outstanding Steam Punk………
A fine effort indeed! (see some pics in the Student Awards page)
We also wish to congratulate our Year 5/6 boys who have made it to the next round of Softball. They will represent WPS at Castlemaine in October. Well done boys!
Some upcoming dates to keep in mind are:
Camp June 27/28. Kindly note that the buses will be returned to School by 2:00 as we are dismissed at 2:30 on Friday afternoon.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C), Iain Spar