Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 05.06.2024

ClassStudent Detail
PCLCoreyFor being a positive role model who always follows our four school values. You are a pleasure to teach Corey!
PLCRemiFor your fantastic work creating, drawing and recording all the ways to make 10. 
1/2AJudeFor your fantastic team work you displayed during inquiry working well with your teammate in creating your rollercoaster.
1/2SWilliamFor always being willing to have a go at all tasks but particularly Maths tasks. It’s always great to see you independently figuring things out and then sharing your thinking with the grade.
1/2TSidFor his great efforts in reading. 67 nights! Well done!!
3SQEmilyFor her resilience and bravery on Year 3 camp last week. You’re a star, Emily!
4LSAlbieFor showing excellence in his persuasive writing this week, a great start Albie. Well done!
4SMLeoFor his well written persuasive writing about deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. Well done Leo for including many interesting facts and strong arguments about your own opinion. Keep up the great work!

Artists of the Week - 05.06.2024

Year 6 students learnt about ‘Steampunk’ - a design style that combines ideas and objects from the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian Era.

Then, using a range of ‘junk’ materials they constructed and decorated a small ‘Steampunk Robot’.  This activity was great fun and required students to be very imaginative.  All the Robots looked terrific.  Well done Year 6.

Our Star Artists are: Imogen, Emmie, Zack, Carter, Tom, Lacey, Austin, Pippa, Lisa, Matilda, Hibiki, Lachlan, Maisie, Rhys, Ality & Jack.

Here are some of the Steampunk Robots.


Class of the Week - 05.06.2024

FrenchJack 4LS - For achieving the highest mark of ‘Brilliant’ (20/20) in the French Poetry Competition.

Assembly 12.06.2024

ClassStudent Detail
PLCPippaFor your fantastic creativity creating similes about the fireworks you saw on the weekend. Well done Pippa!
PCLArchieFor displaying more independence and taking risks when completing writing tasks. Keep it up Archie!
1/2AEvieYour positive attitude and willingness to have a go at all your learning tasks even when unsure. 
1/2BCasperFor being a learner by confidently and enthusiastically counting sounds in words. Excellent effort!
1/2TAylaFor working hard to complete reading quizzes on Epic and scoring 100% with her results.
3SQElwoodFor being a learner and trying his best during our Persuasive Writing unit. You're a superstar Woody!
4AIAlbyFor responsibly taking on extra jobs around Carlsruhe. Thanks for all your hard work Alby.
4LSMilesFor his excellent work using the column method for addition, solving a problem containing five amounts. Well done Miles!
4SMJermaineFor working through mathematical problem solving tasks carefully and willingly sharing his own thoughts about the processes. Keep up the great effort Jermaine!

Artists of the Week -  30.05.2024

Year 4 students have been using chalks to draw Penguins & Polar Bears.  They have blended and smudged the colours to create their stunning pictures.  

Our outstanding artists this week are: Charlotte, Jenson, Macey, Albie, Petra, Alana, Sam, Daisy, Abbey, Stefan, Sam & Lily.