
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
This term we have many careers events happening, the details of each of these opportunities coming up are outlined below. All Careers events are announced to students at year meetings, morning assemblies, posted online and in this newsletter. Please contact the careers office if you wish to seek further information about any of these opportunities for your child.
University of Canberra Excursion this Wednesday 22nd May 2024:
This Wednesday we have a group of senior students going up to the University of Canberra You See for Yourself Explore Day. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to immerse themselves into interactive workshops and to explore and try out University courses and see what university life is like. Students were able to select and attend sessions that interested them and will experience firsthand activities in their chosen interest areas.
We were unable to book the accommodation overnight, so this is now a one-day excursion. We will be leaving at 5am from NHS and aim to arrive back to school at 8pm. There is now, no cost to this excursion, however students will need to bring food or money to purchase food on the trip for dinner on the way home. Students are not required to wear school uniform and are encouraged to wear warm clothing.
Upcoming Construction White Card Safety Course to be held on 14th June.
Our next White Card Construction Safety Course will be held on the 14th June in the school library. I have a full list of students booked into this course, however, students wanting to go on the wait list are encouraged to come see me in the careers office to put your name down. Once I have enough numbers for the next course, I can book another one in.
Students must attend for the full course to meet the strict requirements of SafeWork NSW. It is not guaranteed that students will pass this course, they must demonstrate they are competent to the assessor and fully participate in learning and attend the whole day. This course will start at 8:30am sharp in the school library. The course itself is paid by the Department of Education. However, there will be a cost for the SafeWork NSW Card of $28.50.
YEAR 10 Work Experience – Week 11 Term 1 – 8th April – 12th April!
As mentioned in the previous newsletter, our Year 10 students attended work experience in the last week of last term. Employer feedback for students was very positive and several students managed to gain offers of School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SBAT) as well as several students gaining part time employment.
I wish to thank all the host employers in Narrandera and surrounds for their ongoing support of our work experience program at Narrandera High School. We could not provide this program without your support! THANK YOU, EMPLOYERS!
TAFE YES Program Term 2 Construction:
Another round of our highly successful TAFE YES Construction Program commenced last week. Our students enjoyed the day working with their instructor Chris and the staff up at Narrandera CRC. Our students began a small skills-based project to start with, so they can practice measurement, safety, use of hand tools, and following a set job plan and instructions to put basic joints together. They will soon move onto their main project of building their resort chair.
Photos of our students will come in the next few newsletters.
Western Riverina Careers Expo – Located at Leeton High School & Leeton TAFE – 12th June 2024
The Careers Expo will be held at Leeton High School on 12th June. This excursion will be open to Year 10 students and selected Year 12 students. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore and speak directly with all the many careers’ exhibitors, such as industry bodies, employers, tertiary providers, and universities. There will be a small cost of $2 entry for each student, but this fee must be paid to the school office prior to the day. Students may also like to buy food at one of the stalls on the day.
Year 12 Careers Transition Interviews:
Interviews with all our Year 12 students have commenced. The purpose of these interview is to develop a Career Plan so that students can feel confident in their post school planning and direction and to seek guidance on the various pathway options open to students as they transition through the final months of Year 12 to post-school life.
If parents or carers wish to attend these interviews, please call the careers office and we can schedule a time that suits you.
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser