Year 7 Camp

Day 1 - Wednesday 15th May 2024
We left a little later than hoped as we were stopping at Moama to have lunch prior to arriving at the camp.
We stopped at Moama McDonalds for a short toilet and lunch break as the camp didn’t supply lunch on the first day.
Once back on the bus, we then travelled to the Ranch and found where we were staying and started organising the rooms for our stay.
Students then met at the Fireplace where we met up with the Billabong staff for each activity. Day 1 was Bush First Aid and Orienteering introduction. Two groups were created. One was the Monkeys and the other was the Twinkle Bottoms. Once completed, students were given afternoon tea of fruit.
Once students had been through these courses, we then hopped into the tractor and went out to do some Orienteering. Students then got to go to the Café and then feed the animals. When these activities had finished, students had some free time before dinner.
Dinner was at 6:30 which was then followed by a Night Walk. On return, students were given to 9:30 pm (lights out time) to have a shower and get ready for bed.
Day 2 - Thursday 16th May
This was going to be a very busy day for the campers!
After breakfast, we again went in our 2 groups and started doing a series of different activities. From Bungee Trampoline to Pedal Boats, to Mini Golf, Archery, Bouldering and Low Ropes.
Free time for an hour (at 5:30pm) before dinner and then back to the Fireplace for a Whip Cracking and Fire Twirling display and marshmallow toasting before bed again at 9:30pm (lights out!).
Day 3 - Friday 17th May
This was packing up day and required students to pack up all their bags, including sleeping bags before going to breakfast. After breakfast, in their groups went to the Commando Course and the Bush craft, where they made Damper.
Lunch was sandwiches and we had to say thank you and goodbye to the Ranch and the Ranch staff.
We arrived back to school at about 4:20pm.
Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves and got to meet students that they might not have socialised with normally.
One the whole, most students were well behaved and from what they told me, they enjoyed the camp.
Thank you to Mr Watterson, Mrs O’Mahoney and Mr Ingram for their support and help with the students.
Mrs Webber
Year Advisor