Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Lifting the Lid on Our Next Generation 

This week I am filled with immense gratitude and hope. Our school has the extraordinary opportunity to witness to over 300 students from DCS and surrounding schools being inspired to be leaders through the Global Leadership Summit Next Gen. This event is not just a great opportunity, but a call to action, for all of us to lift the lid on our limitations and to inspire the next generation to reach beyond what we thought possible.

In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us, 'You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.' These verses remind us that we are meant to shine brightly, not to hide our gifts and talents under a lid of doubt and fear.


There is no doubt or question that in this present time fears and doubts are surrounding many, such as financial strain, change, war abroad, economic stability, illness and trials. Alas, through and with these all, the most important things remain, today we can choose to bring hope, faith, joy and love to someone. We can impart hope to our children and inspire them with vision to stand and declare that Jesus is Lord of all. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can lift the lid of letting our children, our young people, the next generation, have hope for their future!


As we reflect on this, let us consider the words of Christian leader John Maxwell, who said, 'The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.' Our attitude towards the next generation shapes their future. If we talk them down, or limit their potential, we hinder the incredible work God wants to do through them. Instead, let us lift the lid, encourage them, and allow them to soar.

I want to share a story that resonates deeply with me. When I was in school, I had a passion for music but was terrified of performing in front of others. I was a good drummer, but I also learned the trumpet. My lack of confidence though, to play the trumpet in front of others, was huge! The fear of embarrassment and judgment kept me from sharing my gift. One day, a mentor encouraged me to join an ensemble and assured me that my playing would be appreciated. Despite my fears, I took the leap and joined. Over time, I grew more confident and found immense joy in music. This experience taught me that the worst that could happen is feeling vulnerable, but the best that could happen is finding fulfilment and impacting others positively.


Our students at Devonport today are on the brink of such discoveries. They might do things differently from our generation, and that is okay. In fact, it is wonderful. They might have a better story to tell, a story filled with hope and innovation. As Henri Nouwen said, 'Hope means to keep living amid desperation and to keep humming in the darkness.' By lifting the lid, we give our students the chance to bring light into the darkness of our world.

Let us embrace this week with a spirit of encouragement and faith.


Let us not limit our children but instead inspire them to believe in their God-given abilities. Let us pray for them, support them, and watch as they rise to become the leaders God has called them to be, for today and for tomorrow, let them be unshakeable.


May we all be blessed as we lift the lid and witness the amazing potential of our next unshakeable generation. 


Chad Smit | Principal