Student Wellbeing 

Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas:  Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, Classroom Climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention

Be inspired by the podcasts and especially by Dr Emily.


Dr Emily once again brought some brilliant insights to The Imperfects, listen to this podcast of What are your boundaries?


Click on the link below.

What are your boundaries?


It is a great podcast that discusses perfectionism, boundaries, giving into other people, and making sure you have lots of self-care.


Self-care is not selfish; it is better to take care of ourselves. We have to be able to show up as ourselves; we have to be ourselves to be better for others.


Dr Emily also discusses about relationships. Boundaries are important. 


Lots of great podcasts and discussions on the TRP Home Hub.


Have a great holiday and enjoy the break.

Sally Lentini