Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 11 Term 2

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we wrap up Term Two, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all our staff for their hard work and dedication. The school review is now complete, and I am happy to report that we have met the Minimum Standards for School Registration and other State and Commonwealth Requirements and are registered with (The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). We look forward to sharing the full report with the community once we receive it in August. This report will assist us in setting goals and priorities for the next four years to make our school an even better place for all students. Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday break.

Thanks for an Unforgettable Italian Day

A huge GRAZIE  to our incredible Italian teacher, Signora Rosa, for organising a magnificent Italian Day. The event was a huge success, and it was clear that a tremendous amount of effort went into making it so special. 

A very special thanks to all the staff members. An event like this cannot happen without everyone's collective effort and dedication. A huge thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee for a wonderful spaghetti and gelati lunch that was thoroughly enjoyed by all!! It truly takes a village, and our school community is lucky to have such wonderful people.

Parent/Student/Teacher Learning Conversations

Thank you for participating in our recent parent/student/teacher learning conversations.  We greatly value your voices and opinions as they are crucial to our ongoing efforts to improve our school. To help us better understand your experience and gather your feedback, we kindly ask you to complete a brief survey. Please click on the link below to access the survey. Your insights are incredibly important to us and will directly influence how we enhance our school community. Thank you for your time and support.


Some of our achievements and events this term include:

  • Year 6 Students Melbourne Legacy's 92nd Annual ANZAC Day Ceremony in the City
  • Celebration of Saint Fidelis' Feast Day
  • ANZAC Day Ceremony with Peter Khalil and Michael Pianta
  • Numerous excursions & incursions - Foundation to Year Six 
  • Over 40 School Tours for Foundation 2025 
  • Parent and volunteer induction courses
  • Parent workshops - Reading & Numeracy
  • Lunch Order Days / Food Days
  • Walk to School Day
  • Storytime 
  • Apple Slinky Fridays 
  • District Winter sports 
  • G.A.T.E.W.A.Y.S 
  • Welcoming work experience students
  • Local Kindergarten visitors to our STEM space
  • Mother's Day Assembly and breakfast
  • Parents and Friends Meetings
  • School Advisory Board meetings
  • Year 6 Parent and Child Faith Workshop
  • Year 6 Celebration of Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Reconciliation & Family Week focuses on learning
  • 2024 School Review
  • Celebration of Learning afternoons
  • Celebration Italian Day 
  • PSG Meetings
  • ST Vincent Winter Appeal  
  • Italian Day Celebration
  • Disco

Thank you for a great term of learning! We are looking forward to another exciting term in Term 3. Your continued support of your children's learning is greatly appreciated.


Enjoy your break, and be safe.


School Fees 2024: Installment Two are overdue 

Thank you to all the families who have partially or fully paid their school fees. As mentioned previously, the school has paid for all of your children's stationary upfront, and prompt payment would be most appreciated. 


If you would like to pay in person, the office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  


Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT:65 603 6380
REF:  Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO:  St Fidelis Primary School

Please note once you have made a payment, email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au  with the amount you have deposited.