Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning
As we reach the end of Term 2, I would like to congratulate our students on finishing their assessment tasks, including CATs, SACs and exams. These tasks not only help students to identify areas where they may need to improve, but it also enables us to celebrate their success. Ask your child how they have performed on their assessment tasks and remember that reports will be published soon.
Semester 1 Reports
Semester 1 reports will be published on Compass on Monday 15th July 2024.
These reports include:
- A Work habits Reports for Term 1 and Term 2. These reports give parents information about each students’ level of engagement, work ethic, organisational skills and attitude to learning.
- Feedback for all of the assessment tasks your child has undertaken. This includes a comment for Achievements and Areas for Future Improvement as well as a grade for all assessments.
- Exam results (where applicable)
- A unit outcome (‘S’ or ‘N’) for VCE/VM classes
- Class attendance rate.
As you have a look at these reports, please ask questions of your child and help them to develop new learning goals for Semester 2.
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
We will be holding our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on Thursday 25th July. More information will be placed on Compass at the start of next term, however, we look forward to seeing as many parents and students attend these 3 way discussions as possible.
Curriculum Day Term 3
Please note that Monday 15th July is a Curriculum Day and students are not required at school. This means the first day of Term 3 for students will be Tuesday 16th July.
Victorian High Abilities Program (VHAP)
We would like to congratulate our Year 7 and 8 students who will take part in the Victorian Government’s Student Excellence Program, also known as the Victorian High Abilities Program (VHAP) for Term 3. This prestigious recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion for learning shown by these outstanding students and permission letters will be sent home at the end of term.
The VHAP is designed to challenge and extend students in English and Mathematics, offering them unique opportunities to engage deeply with their subjects of interest. Being selected for this program not only highlights their exceptional abilities but also places them among the top students across the state.
We are incredibly proud of each student who made it into the program. Their commitment to excellence is inspiring and serves as a motivation for all students at our school to strive for their best. We eagerly anticipate the wonderful contributions these young minds will continue to make to our learning community.
For more information on the Victorian High Ability Program, visit this link.
Study Group
Need help with your assignments?
Want a supportive environment to tackle your homework?
Look no further!
When: Tuesday and Thursdays 3.15 - 4.15pm
Where: Room S6 and S7 (Senior Study Building)
Why: To help you master difficult skills
To boost your grades!
To meet new friends who share your academic goals.
Who: All students - Bring your work, laptop and questions!
Expect: University students who are ready to assist you with your homework and/or studies
A collaborative study environment
Reminder - Insight Creative Writing Competition
The 2024 Insight Creative Writing Competition is open to secondary school students around Australia as they aim to ignite a passion for creative writing and inspire the voices of the future. Entering the competition is free and all entrants will have the chance to share in over $3000 worth of cash prizes!
All shortlisted entries will also be judged by acclaimed Australian authors. Past judges have included Alice Pung, Arnold Zable, Cath Moore, Michael Pryor, Will Kostakis and Jack Henseleit.
If you’re a budding writer you should submit your work.
Competition Key Dates
- Entries open now!
- Entries close: 1 September 2024
- Longlist announcement: 18 October 2024
- Shortlist announcement: 1 November 2024
- Awards Ceremony: TBA
For information visit https://www.insightpublications.com.au/2024-insight-creative-writing-competition/
Maths Anxiety
One of the things that poses a great challenge is something referred to as 'Maths Anxiety’'. Maths anxiety is defined as,” a fear, apprehension or negative affective reaction associated with participating in or thinking about mathematics” and research around this phenomenon suggests that it is highly prevalent in our society and that it impacts on girls much more so than boys. Research also clearly identifies that maths anxiety can have a very significant impact on student achievement in mathematics and the likelihood that students select to study maths in the senior years of schooling or choose to follow a STEM pathway beyond school.
Conversations about maths at home have also been found to be highly influential when it comes to whether a student develops anxiety towards maths. Parents who have maths anxiety have the potential to pass this on to their children, as do teachers who are maths anxious. I encourage you to think about how you talk about maths at home with your young people and to read the parent flyer included below to prompt your thinking around this. Here at the college, Jen Ramus is our Numeracy Leader and part of her role is to support strategies in classrooms and beyond to help students learn maths effectively. This includes working with a group of tutors who go into Maths classes to support students to learn the skills set out by the Victorian Curriculum 2.0. In addition, these tutors also work with small groups to provide extension or support to ensure all students achieve success in Maths.
Why is Maths important and how can you help?
This Term Year 7 to 9 have explored the world of History, learning how to analyse sources to better understand people, places and events of the past.
Year 7s investigated Ancient Egyptian Civilisation and gained an understanding of how Ancient civilisation has influenced the modern world. The year 7s also enjoyed the immersive experience of using the VR (Virtual reality) lab. During this experience students explored the Tombs of Ancient Egypt.
Year 8s investigated Medieval European History with a focus on castle construction, the Battle of Hastings and an understanding of
the plague and the significance of pandemics on societies.
Year 9s focused on World War One History and Australia’s involvement in this conflict through the role of women, propaganda and the importance of the Gallipoli campaign.
In VCE our Business Management, Legal Studies and Economics. classes have been working hard to complete the first unit in their courses as well as semester exam for Year 11s. Students also enjoyed visiting the Yakult Factory to learn more about operations in Business Management.
From the Humanities domain- we wish everyone a relaxing winter break and hope that you come back refreshed and ready to learn in Term 3.
Ms McKean-
Humanities Subject Area Leader
Year 7 Humanities students using the VR lab to explore Ancient Egyptian tombs.
Art Excursion
On Friday the 7th of June, the Year 11 and 12 VCE Art class were taken to the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) and the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in preparation for the upcoming Unit 4 outcomes, which focus on the exhibition and conservation practices for curators. Meeting in the city, they were given an opportunity to explore the now finished Oui Move in You exhibition, before receiving a talk by one of ACCA’s educational staff.
“The curational team had to balance the technical aspects of the installation, such as lighting and sound design, with the artistic vision… highlighting the importance of collaboration between artists and curators to achieve a cohesive and impactful presentation…a masterful blend of various art forms” – Freshta Rizaee, 12C.
Arriving at the NGV by 12:30pm, students received a free lunch and notebook courtesy of the gallery. Half an hour later, they received a talk regarding ongoing exhibition Africa Fashion, which celebrates historic and contemporary works that relate to fashion made by African diaspora. Featuring artists from over 20 African countries, it provides a glimpse into the depth and impact they’ve provided to the landscape of fashion.
“Something I had never seen before. The inclusion of both historical and contemporary pieces provided a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the African Fashion. Curators had to carefully consider the cultural significance of each piece to present it in a way that respects and celebrates African heritage” – Freshta Rizaee, 12C.
Mahnoor Nabeel, 11B