Senior School News

Senior School Report
Our teachers have been busy preparing exams and marking exams as our Year 10 & 11 students completed a busy exam week.
All teachers practise reviewing exams for quality writing and ensuring that we are working on standard marking schemes to match the VCE external exams for all our students. All of these areas of growth for staff will benefit our students in the coming weeks. I implore all our families to have the conversations with your children around their preparation for exams and final assessments.
Now is the time for students to ensure they have strong study and homework habits. Multiple subjects will have assessments overlapping their timelines and it is imperative that students are organised, prepared and ready for all of their assessments. Some questions to ask your child to ensure they are having strong study habits:
Do you have a regular routine to complete homework?
Do you have a structured time to revise your classwork?
What assessments, SACs or exams do you have coming up? What does your calendar look like in the next week / next few weeks / remainders of the term?
The school has a homework club after school on a Tuesday & Wednesday for students to access. We encourage you to ask your child whether they are accessing those supports. They can always ask their teacher for the support or when these support and homework clubs are running.
Pathways Evening & Careers Expo
Thank you to all the families for attending our pathways evening on Tuesday 18th June. It was a great to see so many families valuing students’ pathways.
As we move into Term 3 and course counselling for 2025, students should have researched subjects by looking at course guides and engaging with our career’s teams.
Students in years 9 -11 will receive paperwork early Term 3 with subject recommendations. This must be returned by the appropriate year levels course counselling day. Students should be well prepared prior to course counselling as to the reasons why they are selecting specific subjects ensuring that future pathways goals have been considered.
We will work on sharing the recording and presentation of the evening via compass during the beginning of Term 3. Year Level Coordinators and Careers teachers are available for students to reach out to for further advice regarding pathways.
Punctuality to class
To support the whole school community in providing a safe and secure learning environment at the
college, the school has been developing a strategy to combat the problem of students arriving consistently late to class.
At Lyndale Secondary College we value the importance of arriving at school on time.
Students who arrive late miss the start of the day with their peers and the beginning of lessons. This means that they are often unsettled and confused about tasks. It is a disadvantage to students when they are late. It is essential that students arrive at school on time to prevent disruption to their learning and that of others.
In Term 3, our school will be implementing new processes to manage continual lateness, to help nurture a positive academic environment that encourages accountability and achievement. We will be trialling the process with a few classes to ensure processes work.
Year 12 and 10F students that are late to school during Period 1, will not be able to enter the classroom. Students will need to sign in and work in study hall independently from their lesson plan that will be on Compass. Continual absence of class will affect overall attendance and may trigger a parent meeting to talk about progress.
We look forward to working with our families and school community to improve our whole school culture moving forward as we work towards implementing this process across the whole school.
YEAR 11 & 12 VCE VM – Project Learning Classes
Trudy Poole (an ex Lyndale student) from Rotary came to talk to our year 11 & 12 VCE VM students to show insight into ways in which they can be of service to others and what International causes the Interact group can contribute towards.
Melbourne City Football Club Visit
Our Accelerated VCE VM Year 10 class went to visit Melbourne City Football Club. After a term of having Melbourne City Football Club visit Lyndale SC and work with the boys, they were able to go visit the headquarters. The boys especially had a great day of learning, interacting with one another and playing soccer in a different environment. The boys were particularly engaging and were pretty switched on in the classroom session which we think can be contributed to a couple of reasons such as the content delivered (why are we working with boys in preventing violence and affirmative consent) but also a change in their regular setting/classroom space. The day was perfect for playing outdoor soccer, lifting everyone's spirits and mood.
The MCFC coaches were also very warm and welcoming to us as a group and did a great job hosting us on the day.
Thank you for your ongoing support towards your child’s education and future success. Please feel free to reach out to me if any questions at
Diana Kennedy
Assistant Principal - Senior School
Year 10 & 11 VCE VM students spent Monday 27th May at the Arts Centre in the city, attending a Podcasting Workshop. At this excursion, students had the opportunity to record a scripted podcast of their own choosing, while also learning tricks of the trade such as vocal delivery, cutting and editing audio, and adding sound effects and music to their recorded piece. Podcast topics ranged from on-trend issues such as 'Sephora Kids' as well as discussions around music and sport. Ms Megroz and Mr Neilsen were thrilled to see students engaging with the technology and working on their discussion skills. Students also completed an engaging Numeracy activity around Southbank – thanks to Ms Ramus and Eurisha for their help organising this activity.