Principal's Report 


A vibrant Term 2 

Term 2 has been a dynamic and exciting time at Lyndale Secondary College, filled with numerous opportunities for extension, challenge, and engagement both in and out of the classroom. As you will see in this newsletter, our community has been bustling with activity. Here are some highlights:

  • Student Achievements: Our students have shone on stage in the Performing Arts Showcase "It's About Time" and have been tirelessly rehearsing for our Term 3 Musical, "High School Musical." They have also participated enthusiastically in the winter sports program, challenged themselves on camps, celebrated diversity on IDAHOBIT day, engaged their voices in the Student Representative Council, and applied their learning across a range of subjects.
  • Staff Initiatives: Our dedicated staff have been hard at work designing and documenting our curriculum and implementing our instructional model to ensure that learning is targeted and effective.

In this message, I would like to update you on some key school improvement initiatives and remind families about our shared expectations here at school. Your continued support and engagement are vital as we work together to provide the best educational experience for our students.


We are proud of the progress and achievements of both our students and staff this term, and we look forward to continuing this momentum into Term 3.


School-wide positive behaviours

At Lyndale Secondary College, we believe that engagement and learning thrive when 'Every student feels known, safe, and valued.' To support this philosophy, we have been diligently working on several programs and initiatives over the past two years:

  • Trauma informed practices: This is an educational approach that acknowledges the impact of trauma on students' learning and behavior. It involves creating a safe, supportive environment that promotes healing and resilience. Key elements include understanding trauma, building strong relationships, fostering a safe classroom environment, integrating social-emotional learning, and ensuring teachers receive ongoing professional development. This approach helps all students, especially those affected by trauma, to feel safe, supported, and capable of succeeding in school.
  • School-Wide Positive Behaviours Program: This evidence-informed, context-specific approach enhances consistency and cohesion in teaching desired behaviours and addressing undesired ones across the entire school. Based on our School’s core values of Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility, we have introduced a positive behaviours matrix, developed collaboratively with students and staff. This matrix uses consistent language and incorporates a recognition system throughout the school.
  • Enhanced Communication: We have expanded our use of the Compass Chronicle to improve communication between classroom teachers and families regarding learning progress and readiness to learn. Parents and carers can now respond directly to classroom teachers through these notifications. For all other matters, please continue to contact your child's coordinator as usual.


These initiatives are designed to create a supportive and positive learning environment for all students. We appreciate your continued support as we work together to foster a thriving school community.


Student Feedback 

We regularly seek feedback from our students, staff, and families to continuously improve our initiatives. This term, all students completed the annual Attitudes to School Survey. The preliminary data has provided us with an overwhelmingly positive endorsement from our students. Their hard work, dedication, and active participation in their education have been crucial in creating an engaging and supportive learning environment.


Our school values of Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility are clearly demonstrated by our students. By showing respect for one another and for the learning process, they have fostered a positive and inclusive atmosphere. Their resilience in facing challenges and determination to succeed have been inspiring to all of us. We greatly appreciate our students' responsibility in taking charge of their learning and providing honest feedback.


Our teachers have been diligently designing and documenting a curriculum that meets our students’ needs, using data and feedback gathered through learning walks. Our instructional model ensures that learning is targeted and effective. The efforts of our year level teams, including our wellbeing initiatives, have been essential in maintaining an environment where teaching and learning can thrive. Additionally, our careers team and the implementation of Senior School reforms help us provide smooth transitions and support students’ journeys from one year level to the next.  This differentiated approach to teaching and learning significantly contributes to our students’ growth, engagement, learning achievements, and connection to our school.


Next term, we will conduct the annual Parent Opinion Survey—please look out for this and share your valuable feedback.


School processes and shared expectations

As we progress through the school year, we remind you of some important school processes and expectations. Parents and carers can support these at home through your actions and conversations with your child:

  • Mobile Phones: Mobile phones are not to be used at school. They must be locked in a student's locker (or left at sub-school if there is a problem with the locker) from 8:50am - 3:00pm each day, including recess, lunchtime, and during Year 12 study sessions. Please do not expect your child to receive or respond to text messages or phone calls during the school day. If there is an urgent message, you can call the office at 9795 2366, and we will relay it. Remember: Switch Off your mobile to Switch On your learning.  
  • Laptops: Laptops should be brought to school fully charged each day. There is very limited capacity for charging laptops in classrooms or during break times. Please support your child in developing the habit of charging their laptop overnight.
  • Bags: Bags must be stored in lockers during the school day and should only be accessed by students at the beginning of the day, during recess and lunchtime and at the end of the day. This is a health and safety measure, as bags are tripping hazards in classrooms and corridors and contribute to congestion as students move around the school. Students may carry a laptop sleeve or case only, not a full satchel or business bag.
  • Attendance: Attendance is critical to your child's success in their learning. One day absent per week equates to almost a full term of learning each year. Our school day starts at 8:45am (locker bell/music), with students required to be ready and in their Session 1 class at 8:50am. Please work with your child to review their morning schedule and ensure they leave home early enough to arrive at school by 8:35am at the latest. If your child is sick and cannot attend school, please log this reason on the Compass portal. Students leaving school early must check out at their respective Sub School Admin Office, where we will verify parent/carer permission (e.g., for a medical appointment).


Happy Holidays!

Term 2 finishes at 3:00pm on Friday, 28 June. We have a two-week break, with Term 3 commencing on Tuesday, 16 July. I wish all of you a very relaxing, safe, and enjoyable term break, and I look forward to seeing everyone back in Term 3!


Thank you for your continued support in making Lyndale Secondary College a positive and enriching place for all.


Pam Robinson
