News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


Mano is a great place to be!

Last Friday, all students and all staff attended the movies to watch, Inside Out 2. It was a special day for us all for many reasons! Firstly, to witness 456 students and 43 staff members attend the movies all together symbolises Mano – a community that values connectedness, inclusivity, community spirit and unity. Secondly, in our commitment and quest to maximise the wellbeing of every member of the Mano community, our students will engage in many lessons, activities and experiences that are aligned to the many key messages within Inside Out 2. Led by our Mental Health and Wellbeing leader, Mrs Forsyth, and the Wellbeing Team, lessons and opportunities will be delivered to each student that aims to maximise their wellbeing. This includes students learning about the range of emotions that we encounter through our childhood, that is it perfectly normal to experience sadness, calmness, anxiety or worry, joy, embarrassment, gratefulness, jealously etc, and that we can learn strategies to manage our emotions as we experience them. We look forward to sharing these opportunities with you as they unfold.

Thank you to all families for your support in nurturing the wellbeing of your child!

Mano is a great place to be!





Concert Ticket Sales: All tickets for the ‘When I Grow Up’ School Concert will be sold directly through Geelong Arts Centre Box Office from Monday 24th June, 7:30pm. Please see further details in the Concert section of this newsletter.


Parent Teacher Discussions: Thank you to our families who have ‘booked’ a Parent Teacher Discussion for Thursday, 27th June. We have over 82% of our families ‘book’ and this highlights the healthy ‘Home-School Partnership’ embedded here at Mano. These discussions compliment the Student Report Cards that will be distributed tomorrow (Friday, 21st June).


Term 2 Social Service Activity: Following Mano tradition, our Junior School Council invite our community to partake in a Social Service activity each term. 

A Social Service activity is where our Junior School Council identify a charity they would like the Mano community to support.

We are pleased to inform you that our Term 2 Social Service activity has been finalised by our Junior School Council.


Date:                     Friday, 28th June

Charity:                Andrew Love Cancer Centre  

Donation:            Gold coin


Students and staff are invited to come to school dressed in their favourite ‘movie character’! Please see poster in this edition of the newsletter for further information. 


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: Thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee and the families who volunteered at our sausage sizzle at Bunnings last Sunday. We appreciate the generosity of our all involved! We raised $2,041 – we look forward to sharing with you where these funds will be directed.


End of Term Arrangements: Next Friday is the last day of term 2. Please note, students will be dismissed from school at 2:30pm next Friday. After School Care will begin at 2:30pm. Term 3 will commence on Monday, 15th July.


Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.


Christian Smith