Term 2 has been wonderful at Moriac in all French classes and I congratulate all students on their hard work this term! Félicitations!
Grades 3-6 have completed their first Common Assessment Task for French, and all students created some incredible work. We were looking at sentence structure and grammar through descriptive writing. Students created a gargoyle and wrote descriptions, thinking about adjective placement and noun to adjective agreements. Their work will be uploaded to Seesaw next week.
Grade 5/6 have been using their coding skills in French, creating short clips on Scratch or Scratch Jr, where characters have to speak to each other in French in speech bubbles. Students used vocabulary and sentence structures that we have been learning about this term to have their characters give each other compliments.
Grades 3-6 have also been investigating French monuments, recreating them and building them in Minecraft Education. See below the beginnings of the Eiffel Tower, L'Arc de Triomphe and a French town.
In Grade 1/2, students have been looking at the weather (le temps) and emotion vocabulary (les émotions). We have created sentences saying how the weather makes us feel.
Prep students have ben studying French nursery rhymes. See below a video of 'Une Souris Verte' (The Green Mouse) which we have most recently studied. It is a well loved French nursery rhyme about a green mouse that was caught by the tail, shown to some people who said to dip it in oil and water, to make a green snail. We spoke about how it is nonsense and likened it to other nonsense nursery rhymes in English, such as 'Hey Diddle Diddle'.
I wish all the students a very happy holidays and a wonderful Term 3! I will be away on long service leave in France for the term, visiting family in the town of Frontignan in the south. I will be back in Term 4 and look forward to seeing you all then.
Bonnes vacances et au revoir!
Happy holidays and see you soon :)
Madame Saunal