Year 1/2
build The end of Term 2 is almost here and we are very impressed with student's resilience and effort that they continue to demonstrate! We hope everyone has a fabulous final week of term and that you all enjoy the school holidays.
Incursions and Excursions
Next Thursday, we are very excited for our excursion to the Geelong Arts Centre to see The Little Mermaid.
Students in 1/2 have also participated in incursions recently.
Ditto from Bravehearts came to school to talk to the children about 3 rules:
- We all have the right to feel safe with people
- It's okay to say no if you feel unsafe or unsure
- Nothing is so yucky that you can't tell someone about it
Kids Helpline also spoke to our students about resilience. They had in depth discussions about times they have shown resilience, watched videos about having a growth mindset and played games to strengthen relationships. They explored times we might use resilience and why it is important as well as learning about strategies to deal with challenging emotions.
The 1/2s were really interested in Kids Helpline, some even created posters that promote Kids Helpline, to display around the school.
Reconciliation Week
As part of Reconciliation Week, students listened to a number of different stories written by Indigenous Australians. They participated in activities based on reconciliation and also got outside to enjoy the sunshine and acknowledge the country that they are learning on.
During one of our Indigenous stories we decided to sit outside in a Yarning Circle as a 1/2 cohort. As the students listened to the story about Bunjil the wedged tail eagle, one of the students pointed to the sky and to our astonishment - soaring above us was in fact a wedged tail eagle. The kids were incredibly excited and even more so when they got the opportunity to use resources around the school to build a nest for Bunjil.
In Reading, students have been reading nonfiction texts and learning to identify the key information. They have also been learning how to synthesise using the strategy
At first I was thinking...
Now I'm thinking...
After reading, I think...
It has also been so great to see the achievements that some students have been making at home with their reading journals. We strongly encourage reading at home, even if it's for 5 minutes a night before bed, it can be so beneficial - especially in building student's confidence in reading.
3/4 Visit
In Week 9, we were visited by the 3/4 cohort. They shared with us their amazing information texts that they had worked so very hard on. It was so great to see our 1/2s mingling with our 3/4s, comfortably listening to them read and asking questions about their chosen topic.
In Writing, students have been creating information reports and WOW have we been impressed with these! Students have selected a topic, researched their chosen topic, identified important information and then created reports which included headings, information and labelled pictures. Students will publish their information reports next week and share with the Prep-2 cohort.
In Maths, students have been learning about Money. They have created a shop, priced items and then went shopping. We have loved seeing how engaged students have been during this unit.
Over the holidays
If you are looking for ways to keep your child engaged in learning over the holidays, we have created a list below to support you!
- Writing a daily journal with a recount on what they have done each day.
- Incorporating discussions around money into your holidays. Example: when you're at the shops ask your child what coins they would need to purchase a carton of milk for $2.50
- Sounds Write games - these will be sent home with your child next week.
What's on next week?
Wednesday 26th June- Moriac PS Market Day
Students may bring some money to spend- under $10 and coins would be appreciated as there is limited change
Wednesday 26th June-Reports go out to families on Compass.
We look forward to meeting with parents/carers in the second week of term 2 to discuss your child's learning
Thursday 27th June- The Little Mermaid excursion
Students will eat their snack before departing and eat their lunch when arriving back at school
Friday 28th June- Last day of school
Dress as a hero! This can be a hero to your child, or a superhero.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,
1/2 Classroom teachers