Brooke's Message

Friday 28th June  2024

As we wrap up another whirlwind term here at MSS, it's time to look back on all the unforgettable moments that have made this term truly special. From classroom antics to inspiring achievements, we've seen it all, and it's been a blast!


Classroom Programs

Students have engaged in new learning with enthusiasm and curiosity. Whether it was discovering the wonders of counting or understanding and acknowledging the different cultures in our school, each day brought new insights and "aha!" moments.


Out and About

Class trips and excursions have been nothing short of epic. The primary section has explored local spaces and ventured into nature's playgrounds, and even survived a rainstorm that turned a BBQ into a picnic back at school! The cinema and bowling have certainly been an end of term highlight for kids - not sure if it’s the popcorn or the actual film? 


Camps have also been a highlight and I was so excited to hear that some of our students attended their first ever night away from family and were so brave and had heaps of fun!

Alice and I also had a special trip - last week we were invited to present at the National Positive Behaviour for Learning conference. We were asked to prepare a presentation on the journey of MSS over the last 7 years and what a journey we have been on. It was incredible to celebrate the hard work of the students and staff and absolutely acknowledged this would not have been possible without our wonderful families, staff and students. A big congratulations and thank you to you all.  The biggest highlight for Sub School 5 was the students who travelled into the Melbourne CBD to see WICKED the musical. Their smiling faces definitely made the traffic home worth it!


Special Mentions

Our staff deserve a standing ovation for their unwavering dedication and endless patience. They've not only taught, inspired and encouraged but worked hard to complete Curriculum reports and co-design ILPS. Through vacancies, absences and increasing enrolments - they have continued to focus on being the best they can be, despite significant challenges and for that I am so grateful. Nice job Team MSS. 


Student Spotlights

Every student at MSS has achieved something remarkable this term, whether it was mastering using the slide, organising a soup club sale that sold out in minutes, or simply showing incredible kindness to a classmate. Each achievement, big or small, has contributed to the energy and joy of our school community.


We were so excited to trial our new approach to improving school attendance. Last newsletter we mentioned our Golden Ticket Attendance competition, the winner of this was Angelina. Angelina and her family were very appreciative of the hamper they will be able to share together, and I thank our Student Engagement Team for their coordination. 


What will Term 3 bring?

The students have asked - and we have listened. School Council have approved the process to re-name Melton Specialist School. We have been collecting ideas and perspectives for a name that resonates with our school's values, spirit, and environment. When we have some compliant names, I will run a school community consultation process. This will involve sharing the names and their meaning and seeking out community preferences through a voting system. 

Ideas received from the staff and students so far:

  • Place where friends/mates come together 
  • Place where you belong - sense of belonging.
  • Place where people feel safe.  
  • The spirit of a place – where we all connect. 
  • A spot in the sunlight 
  • Everyone gathers and embrace learning from Country 
  • Dreaming Path 
  • A place where you become part of another family and connect. 
  • A place where everyone has the same goal - be the best you can be. 
  • Learning on country together 
  • We come from near and far to learn share and care 
  • Welcome to learning on the land of the red earth people.

If you have any suggestions that we have not thought of please feel free to contact our administration team and they will add it to our list. 



Unfortunately, we continue to have staffing vacancies across the schools in all areas and across many roles. We are working very closely with the DET to problem solve. This coincides with an increase in enrolments. Please be patient with us all as we do our best.

As we head into the break, let's take a moment to reflect on the progress the kids have made however big or small. Remember, education isn't just about what happens in the classroom; it's about the positive experiences in the shared spaces and community and the joy and laughter we see between friends. 


Thank you, parents, guardians, and caregivers, for your unwavering support and trust in our school. Wishing you all a restful break filled with laughter and relaxation. Let's return next term with renewed energy and enthusiasm for another incredible journey of growth and learning.


Best wishes,
