Education Support Work

Education support staff – duties

The duties, responsibilities, and appropriate salary range of ES staff are outlined in the Dimensions of Work (VGSA 2022, Schedule 4). An ES employee can request that the principal undertakes a range review. Similarly, a range review may be initiated through a discussion at the consultation committee.

Education support staff – contract dates  and annual leave

All ES fixed term contracts will conclude on the last working day of the contract period. Any accrual of Annual/additional leave will be paid out on the last pay after termination.

Pupil free days and teacher professional  practice days

In 2025 there will be five days over the year where teachers aren’t required to teach students, structured as follows:

  • Tuesday 28 January  – pupil-free day – Berry Street Instructional Model Day 2

  • Thursday 5 June  – pupil-free day – Whole Staff PPD*

  • Monday 21 July  – pupil-free day – Curriculum documentation focus

  • Thursday 21 August  – pupil-free day – Berry Street Instructional Model Day 3

  • Monday 3 November – pupil-free day – Acquittal of TIL

* The work of ES staff on PPD's is directed by either the Business Manager or Assistant Principal depending on who the relevant line manager is. ES staff may participate in Professional learning with teaching staff where it is relevant to their work, or may be offered PD in their relevant area, time to complete essential online ED modules or other organisational tasks as directed.

Organisational Duties

Organisational duties, including any allocated time-allowance and special payment, will be reviewed through the consultative committee by the end of Term 3 as per the VGSA 2022 Clause (22) (11). A finalised list of positions of responsibility will be published during Term 4, to enable staff to express interest subject to a local merit- based selection process.