Connect: Year 1

Hello families, another term has flown by! The students have been very busy and are ready for a break.

Key Dates and reminders


Term 3

Friday 26th June - green and gold day 

Tuesday 30th July -excursion to the Moonlit Sanctuary

Friday 2nd August -curriculum day


Specialists: The specialist timetable has changed and from Term 3 the students will have these lessons on Wednesdays and Fridays with Music changing to Art.


Term Three Learning


Our phonics focus will be progressing to 7.3 stage of Little Learners. They will keep practising the sounds they have already learned and add some new sounds - 'oo' (oops), 'oo' (goose), 'oul' (could), and suffixes 's, es, ing, ed'

Our mentor texts will be Australian animal information reports. The students will learn about features such as captions and headings. They will learn the difference between facts and opinions and begin to write their own reports. The excursion to the Moonlit Sanctuary will be part of their research.



Students continue to develop their addition and subtraction skills, ordering numbers and looking at skip counting. They will also work on identifying patterns and creating their own.



Our inquiry unit for the term will be a science focus, 'Materials that Change Shape'. They will look at bending, stretching and twisting different materials and discover if the change is permanent. In our 'Habits of Mind' lessons they will learn about  'Creating, Imagining & Innovating' while 'Striving for Accuracy & Precision.' 




The focus next term in our Respectful Relationships curriculum is 'Stress Management' and 'Help Seeking'. These topics look at typical scenarios for children and how they can manage themselves to feel better when they are upset or worried.


Swimming was a great success! The students were very independent managing their belongings and all showed improvement over the week.



Thanks for all your support this term especially to the volunteers who have given so much time to listen to our students read. Have a relaxing break.




Fiona, Shanae, Michelle, Julieanne