
Kim Weissenburger, Acting Assistant Principal

Helen Meadows, Disability and Inclusion Coordinator

Introducing Individualised Ready to Learn Plans

It is my great please to announce that our much anticipated Ready to Learns Plans are complete and in action across the school!


As mentioned earlier in the year, all school staff attended the first of four Berry Street Education Model trainings (the second training is set for Friday August 2nd). Two key componets from the first training are establishing consistent predictable routines (e.g. Morning Cirlces and Expected Behaviours) and Ready to Learn Scales and Plans. 


 It is very difficult for a student to learn and think rationally if feeling disregulated, stressed or anxious. A student's individualised Ready to Learn Plan provides a pre-approved list of strategies the student can turn to without needing to ask for approval. This term students explored which of the stratgies work best for them and selected 3-5 to include in their own Ready to Learn Plan. 


Using consistent language across various school settings and at home normalises that it is ok at times to not be 'ready to learn' and that everyone at some time will need to 'deescalate' or require an 'energizer'. We encourage using language such as, "I can see you're not Ready to Learn right now. Select a strategy from your Ready to Learn Plan, take a timer and spend 5 minutes bringing yourself back to the Green Zone."


Below are Prep - Year 6 examples of individualised Ready to Learn Plans.