Connect: Year 5

Happy holidays to all our wonderful Year 5 families! 


A big thank you to all of the Grade 5 families who attended the Parent Teacher Interviews this week. We greatly enjoyed discussing your child's progress and celebrating all the excellent things achieved so far this semester. Your ongoing support is much appreciated. 


See you next term!

Tom and Anisa :-) 

Key dates - Year 5

  • Year 5 Camp: Monday 15th July - Wednesday 17th July
  • Curriculum Day - Friday 2nd August

The Next Fortnight of Learning


Last week we were very lucky to visit some of the junior students at our school to share our non-fiction writing. Our Year 5 students have worked extremely hard to create information reports on a chosen animal and it was a terrific experience sharing it with the prep and year 2 students. We look forward to doing more cross-level activities like this in the future! 


Recently students have been exploring Location as part of our maths learning. 

Students had the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of BOLTS (Border,Orientation,Legend,Title and Scale) by creating their own island maps! 


Next term students will be starting a new Inquiry unit titled 'Earth and the Solar System'. As part of this unit students will explore the planets and how they are classified, how the earth gets energy from the sun, what other objects are found in the Solar System and much more. We are very excited to begin this unit of learning! 



Next term as part of our Wellbeing learning students will be exploring the following topics:

  • Gender and Identity
  • Help Seeking
  • Positive and negative emotions
  • Recognising mixed emotions

Celebration of Learning

Local Police Visit


Last week we were very fortunate to have some local police visit us to talk about their role in the community. This visit linked closely with what we have been learning this term in our Inquiry unit. Students were able to understand further how police work to keep our community safe and ask questions about what their job is like. 


House Gymnastics