Connect : Year 3

June 2024

We've made it! What a jam packed and busy term we have had and it is now time for a little rest for our students over the next fortnight. We would like to thank you for your support during this big term. We hope the upcoming holidays are full of rest and without too much nagging for activities! Please reach out if you have any questions leading into the winter break. 

We would just like to extend a very big thank you for all of the families who came and discussed their amazing children during our parent-teacher conferences on Monday. It was lovely to catch up and discuss how proud we are of their development!

Mathletics! We will be sending home your child's Mathletics passwords. We have assigned some tasks which will be some revision of the topics we have covered during Term Two. These topics are Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Time. This is voluntary but will help your child consolidate their skills. We have also re attached the Daily Ten link below which was the other website we use frequently.

What's coming up in Term 3?

Friday 26th JulyGreen & Gold Day dress up day for Paris Olympics!
Friday 2nd AugustCurriculum Day

What's happening in the classrooms?

Literacy: We have covered a lot of content in the past two weeks! We have been revising, practising our fluency, catching up on our vocab words for our walls and practising our comprehension. This week the children have been reading lots of their favourite books on 'Epic Books' online and have added titles to their favourites list in their notebooks. Don't forget to keep up the holiday reading. This is so important to help keep your child's reading fresh. 


Numeracy: To wrap up a big term of learning, the students focused on revising and strengthening their mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. These strategies have included doubles, near doubles, jump strategies, split strategies and friends of 10. Below you will find an 'addition cheat sheet' which previews some of the strategies your child has been practising. We talked to the students about having a strong foundation of number skills in order for them to build a 'house of Maths'. Next term, we will continue to strengthen and build upon these skills.


Inquiry: They did it! Our beautiful lapbooks have been finished by our determined students. They really have been a labour of love and the students have thoroughly enjoyed questioning, researching, drafting and creating these projects. Check out a few examples below! These should be sent home in the early weeks of Term 3.

Wellbeing: To finalise our learning, we have finished our bookmarks of our 'Ready to Learn' strategies. These bookmarks and plans have been drafted and prepared by the students and are unique to their needs. These plans follow our work with Berry Street and allow the students how to manage themselves and understand their needs as learners. You will have seen your child's bookmark during their parent/teacher interview.

Daily Ten

We have reposted the Daily Ten website after our discussions during parent- teacher conferences. The students can also access this at home and it is a great way to practise a range of numeracy skills. Click on the picture below to check out some fun Maths revision!

Final Week Fun!

One of the last lessons we did this term was learning about capacity/volume. The students were immersed in some capacity language and experimented using a variety of materials. We made the most of the winter sunshine! 

So it's raining and the kids need to move?

Check out one of our movement breaks below when we just need to move our bodies!

Need our emails again? Here they are! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

3A - Amy Jung (M-W)- 

& Taryn Clough (Th & F) - 

3B - Helen Hamill -



Have a safe, restful and enjoyable break. We will see you in two weeks!


Amy, Taryn & Helen