From the Principal

 27 June, 2024

Thank you for a fantastic term filled with excursions, cross-country events, engaging learning programs, an open night, and culminating with student-led conferences celebrating student achievements through their learning journals and reports.


I thank our wonderful staff and parents/carers for their incredible effort and support, ensuring our students have the best educational programs and experiences. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful school.


After reviewing the OSHC Expression of Interest applications, the School Council has decided to change our out-of-hours school care provider to TheirCare, starting in Term 4, 2024.


TheirCare is known for its quality care and engaging programs. With diverse offerings, flexible booking options, and competitive pricing, TheirCare is an excellent fit for POPS families. We look forward to working with them. Representatives from TheirCare will be available soon to answer questions and provide more information about the transition to their service in Term 4.


This change means our partnership with OSHClub will end after Term 3, 2024. We thank OSHClub for their service to our families and school over the past 11 years.


Mr Yep and I are happy to discuss or answer questions about the change in OSHC providers.


Contact details: 

Mr Yep: or 0409 112 561 

Ms Garrity: 

or 9876 1249



We have updated our policy on photographing, filming, and recording students. We are also streamlining the consent process in Compass for families when they enrol in the school. Current families, if you wish to change your consent regarding your child being photographed, recorded, or filmed for school purposes, please inform the school office via email or phone so we can update our records.


For Foundation parents/caregivers and new families, it is important to read the policy below and notify the school office if you do not want your child included in the school's newsletter, website, or any social media communications.



We are thrilled to announce the completion of the Indigenous Sensory Garden. We thank the Warrandyte Community Bank for their $25,000 grant and the Parents' Association for their $10,000 contribution. At the start of next term, I will meet with our SRC and School Captains to plan how to use the area during lunch times.

Yesterday, we received the final furniture for our Library Wellbeing space refurbishment. Next, we will organise the non-fiction books, plan the furniture layout, and set up a sensory break-out space for students.

We thank the community for their Color Run fundraising and the Parents' Association for their $20,000 contribution. Students and staff are already enjoying the new space for reading and relaxation.

Next term is shaping up to a fantastic term with students from Foundation to Year 6 participating in the various camping programs.


I wish all students, staff, and families a happy and safe Term 2 holiday break.


If you visit the school over the holidays, please keep an eye out for anything that has been damaged or any antisocial behaviour. Please email the school and contact the Doncaster Police on 8841-3999 if necessary.


Ms Garrity




  • Go to the From the Classroom Page to read about learning activities in Y1/2. 
  • Foundation Enrolment applications are now open and will close by Friday, July 26, 2024.

Key Dates:

Friday June 28- End Term 2. 2:00pm Assembly. 2:30pm Dismissal 

Monday July 15- Term 3 Begins (No Assembly)