A Message from the Principal
Mrs Pauline Long
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Pauline Long
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back!
There is always excitement in the air as we commence a new school term! The students’ smiles capture the positive feelings about seeing their friends again and being back to a place where they feel valued, respected and cared for.
We have an action packed term planned and encourage our families to come along to school events wherever possible.
This Friday at 11.30am we have a liturgy and classroom activities to celebrate our Grandparents.
Next Friday we join together to enjoy our very own Mini Olympics. The day commences with the students sharing their learning about the country they are representing; either France, India or Nepal. We then move onto our war cry and marching competitions followed by fun events. We will provide a variety of foods for the students to enjoy for recess and lunch. Parents are most welcome to come and cheer the students on any time during the day between 9.00am and 2.00pm.
This term our learning focus is on Reading. We not only want our students to read fluently we want them to enjoy reading so much that they choose to read for pleasure. We encourage students to borrow from our library each week. We are so fortunate to have a well stocked library and we are constantly purchasing new books. Please take the time to read Mrs Wilson’s Focus on Learning section of this newsletter about how parents can help their children learn to read and to foster a love of reading.
Have a wonderful week
Pauline Long