From The Principal

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
This will be the last newsletter for this term. It has been long term, 11 weeks, and a lot has happened.
Throughout the year our school is involved in fundraising efforts to support a number of charities and initiatives. Some of these charities are Catholic charities such as Project Compassion and the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Some of these charities are non-religious such as the Cancer Foundation's Biggest Morning Tea or the Push Up Challenge. In all efforts we are carrying on the work of Christ in the world and fulfilling our mission to reach out and help others. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus did not discrimate between Jew and Non-Jew. He showed God's love to anyone who needed it when he cured the sick, feed the hungry, befriended the outcast, forgave the sinner and comforted the sad. He showed that God's love is inclusive, not exclusive. The same applies to us. We follow what Christ said; 'Love one another as I have loved you!" We don't just minister to Catholics or Christians, we minister to everyone and anyone who needs help.
The church is being repaired and painted at the moment. So yesterday, the parish mass was celebrated in our staffroom. It was cosy and warm and intimate. It was lovely to see the parishioners in the staffroom. It reminded me of the early days of the Church when the disciples (even Jesus celebrated the Eucharist in houses; the Last Supper and at the house of adisciples in Emmaus) celebrated the Eucharist in their homes. Wherever people gather in His name, Christ will be there with them.
Staff Absences
You may have noticed that both Miss Taylah Brennan and Mr Greg have been absent for most of this term. Taylah has been very sick of late and has spent two lengthy stays in hospital, part of these in ICU. We are keeping Taylah in our prayers and hope for her to make a full recovery and to return to us soon. Greg has been absent due to unexpectant personal family reasons. He is doing well and will return to us shortly. We are also keeping Greg in our prayers.
Miss Jess Brennan is currently qualifying for the Australian Indoor Hockey Team. If she is successful in making the team then she will compete in the Indoor Hockey World Cup in February 2025. Jess will be absent during Week 11 of this term.
Road Rules
Just a reminder to follow all speed limits and parking restrictions in the vacinity of our school. In particular there is to be no stopping on the raised ramp on Somerville Rd at the end of the Birmingham Street park. Drop offs and pick ups can be made on either side of this area. Also, the lane at the end of Avoca Street between the senior playground and the houses is a right-of-way, it cannot be blocked or used for parking while picking up or dropping off students. I thank you for you support in this as it is important that we are respectful of our neighbours and those in our local community.
A reminder that we have a no food sharing policy here at St. Augustine's. This espeically applies to birthdays. We have a number of students with a variety of food allergies to varying degrees. If your child would like to celebrate their birthday with the class then novelities such as balloons, whistles, bouncy balls, fidget toys, bubbles, pencils etc are perfectly fine. There is to be no food brought to school to be shared with classmates and friends on birthdays.
School Beanies
The new school beanies are now available from Academy Uniforms. They can be purchased instore or online.
Push Up Challenge
St. Augustine's has been entered into the Push Up Challenge 2024. You can use the link below to sign up and join our school team.
As we finsh the term, there are some important events happening during the last week:
- Learning Conferences
- Tuesday 25th June 1.00pm to 7.00pm
- Wednesday 26th June 3.30pm to 5.00pm
- Sausage Sizzle Lunch - Thursday 27th June
- School Disco - Thursday 27th June 6.00pm to 8.30pm
I wish all students a happy, safe and restful Winter School Holidays. Stay warm. Stay well. Have fun and sleep in!!
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead