
God Provides
Imagine a tiny sunflower seed holding within it the potential to become a towering plant.
Hundreds of years ago, Lady Julian of Norwich was contemplating a seed, just like the one you are imagining. She was an anchoress, someone who chose to isolate themselves and devote their lives to God. Some of her writings are the oldest examples of the English language written by a woman. This seed reminded Julian of Norwich of God's love. She wondered why it didn't just disintegrate and fall apart in her hand. Then she had a light bulb moment - it doesn't fall apart because: God loves it, God created it and God sustains it.
Just as God created the seed and gives it all it needs to grow, God created us and sustains us with love, providing for our physical and emotional well-being.
When we say the Lord's Prayer that Jesus taught us, it reminds us of this love. "Give us this day our daily bread" reflects God's provision, not just for food, but for everything we need to thrive.
Jesus reminds us that there is something else we need too - forgiveness. The word "sin" comes from an ancient word that means "missed the mark". Like we were aiming at a target and didn't hit it. When we say words that are mean on purpose, we miss the mark. When we get angry and hurt someone, we miss the mark. When we miss the mark, we can become a little bit broken hearted or make other people a bit broken hearted. Jesus knows that all of us miss the mark and all of us are a little bit broken hearted.
When he encourages us to pray this part of the Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our sins", we can acknowledge that we sometimes fall short, but like a sunflower turning towards the sun, we can always turn back to God for forgiveness, trust in his provision and try again.
With this prayer, we remember God's love, trust in his provision, and strive to live with kindness and love, just as God loves us.
God loves you, God created you and God sustains you with everything you need. When you say the Lord's prayer, remember this and keep on turning, trusting and trying again.
Jared Grierson
Teaching and Learning Leader
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship?
Do your children come home singing some of the songs?
We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube.
To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!