General Information
Year 7 Immunisations
Year 7 immunisations will be held on Monday 15 July 2024
Parents are required to access the below link to consent or deny the vaccines. It is important that a response either way is received via this link, this ensures you have received the information regardless of your decision. A confirmation email will be sent on completion of the form, and you can log back in and change consent at a later date if required.
More information on vaccines can be found via the consent link or here:
Information regarding privacy and collection of data is also available via the consent link.
Vaccines are administered by Immunisation Nurses from Banyule City Council – for information or questions please the immunisation team on 94579964 or email
Year 7 Consent Link:
School Photos
School Photos have arrived, and you may have already received them. If you haven't received them, please collect them from the general office.
Has your student grown out of their school uniform?
Here at Diamond Valley College, we welcome donations of all uniform items that your student has grown out of or no longer need. You can bring any items in for donation to the general office.
School Bus Information
Term 2 Bus fees are now overdue and Term 3 are now due. These payments can be made, via the general office, over the phone or directly into our school bank account. Please use your surname and bus that your student travels on as a reference.
Casual Bus Travel
If your student needs to catch an alternative bus as a once off to travel to a friend's house, sporting activity etc, please make contact with the general office during recess or lunch to check if there is availability and issue a bus pass.
There is a $2 charge for those that do not already catch the private school buses.
It's important that your student only travels on their designated School Bus unless notified earlier in the day. Bus passes will not be issued to anyone at 3pm.