Parents & Friends Association

Term 2 Meeting

This week, members of the P&FA gathered for pizza (and wine!) for our Term 2 meeting. Thank you to Mr Tony Rolfe for welcoming us so warmly. We also thank Mr. Cameron Moroney and Mr Jack Moshakis, for sharing with us their goals and vision for Mazenod Foundation and described the three significant philanthropic programs we have available to support the College.


For those who missed our meeting, more information about the Mazenod Foundation and the various programs are available via


Our Term 2 meeting was a great opportunity to celebrate the multitude of events this term, including our involvement in the Mother’s Day Dinner and the Rosary Making workshops and helping our Year 7s make rosaries in their RE classes. We also discussed the various activities planned for the second half of the year, in particular some events in August and September. We’ll be posting about these opportunities to our members, so keep a look out for them! They are great ways to help out and be involved in our amazing Mazenod community. 


We continually welcome new members to the association. As our association grows, so does the connection and the bonds of friendships within our community. So please - if you haven’t already, register (see link below) and enrich your experience with the College. 


Remaining 2024 P&FA meetings at school:

Wednesday 28 August

Wednesday 30 October



We welcome all parents and guardians. Please register to join the association and be part of this growing group of parents who seek to be more engaged and part of the Mazenod life!