Around the College

Victorian Volleyball Schools Cup

Last week, the Junior Volleyball Victoria Schools Cup (VSC) tournament took place at the State Volleyball Centre. Teams from Years 7, 8, and 9 competed for the State Champion title and the chance to qualify for the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup in Queensland later this year. Our senior teams eagerly await their VSC tournament in late July.


Mazenod had four Year 7 teams, four Year 8 teams, and three Year 9 teams in attendance, achieving notable results:


Year 7 Division 1: Gold 🥇

Year 8 Honours: Gold 🥇

Year 8 Division 2 and Year 9 Honours: Silver 🥈


We anticipate the official results for the Champion School, aiming to etch our names in history since our last victory in 2019. Congratulations and thanks to our sports staff and coaches who have dedicated many hours of their time to training and facilitating the students' success!

Watch match point of the Year 8 Honours victory!

VCE VM Senior Work Placement

Angus has always had a passion for fashion (pardon the pun) and worked hard to source a work placement in the fashion Industry. His persistence finally paid off and Angus secured a placement with MM Sohn Pty Ltd, a fashion design company established by Maureen Sohn, one of Australia’s leading fashion designers. Angus has had experience in both the retail and design side of the industry and while he has demonstrated the capacity to succeed in both, his desire is to become a leading fashion designer. 


On his Thursdays at MM Sohn, Angus has either assisted at the company’s retail store, ‘The Signet Bureau’ in Gertrude Street, Fitzroy or has worked in the factory at 43 Napolean St Collingwood. Some of the more hands-on tasks that he has undertaken in the design studio include the creation of fabric swatches, which are sent to wholesale clients who may be interstate or overseas, pattern cutting, a task that takes much time to master and the stitching of fabric. According to Yongbin, and Alicia, Angus has huge potential, his hard working and industrious nature, willingness to ask questions and his creative flair, indicates that Angus certainly has a future in the industry. 


To his credit, Angus has always demonstrated a mature approach to work and assisted in the College’s metal fabrication area, while constantly sending out resumes and cover letters to design companies. As Angus said, "I just couldn’t see myself sitting around home doing nothing on work placement days". 


Mazenod sincerely thanks Maureen, Yongbin and Alicia from MM Sohn Pty Ltd for their mentoring and advice that they have shown Angus. The VCE Vocational Major program would not be as successful as it, without the assistance of employers who are willing to give our young men an experience in the industry where they wish to seek a career. 


If you have the capacity to employ a VCE Vocational major student please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Leigh Harris or Ms Athena Beshir, our Vocational Major Coordinators. The work placement days for Year 11 students who undertake the Intermediate program is Tuesday, while our Year 12 Senior students venture out on a Thursday.


We wish Angus all the best for his future in the fashion industry.

Year 10 Italian Excursion

On June 3, the Year 10 Italian cohort attended Una Serata al Sacro Cuore with the students of Italian from Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Oakleigh. They participated in a series of fun language immersion activities such as an icebreaker about their spare time, speed dating, cultural quizzes, songs and, to conclude, they enjoyed some pizzas, cannoli and soft drinks together.

Year 9 Italian Excursion

On May 31st, the Year 9 cohort of Italian went to Carlton for the annual Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition. Over a week, nearly 1700 students from 40 different Victorian Schools have been reciting a poem from a choice of four.


Then they visited Museo Italiano, a permanent exhibition which draws on and displays the records, images and objects from CO.AS.IT.'s Italian Historical Society, and then enjoyed lunch together in Lygon street at Universal Restaurant. The Poetry Finals will be held at Melbourne University on June 25 and some of our students will represent the school on that occasion.

Year 8 Geography Excursion - Jells Park Wetlands