Rector's Report

Greetings! We have certainly transitioned into our winter months as we experience cold, wet, and windy days. We must now wait till September for the weather to, hopefully, improve.

We have commenced the formation process of the students who have requested to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at our college Eucharist on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption. We ask you to keep these young men in your prayers as they complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church.

Victorian Volleyball Schools Cup

Congratulations to all involved in our 11 volleyball teams that represented Mazenod in the recent Victorian State Championships. A special congratulations to the teams who won medals, ensuring in various age groups which means Mazenod is considered 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the state.


Congratulations also to the staff and teams involved in ACC Badminton which, at this time, has resulted in an Intermediate Premiership.


Our Year 8 to 12 students, as well as some of our music students, have been undertaking their mid- year exams. I am sure they will be pleased that these are behind them now, but more importantly, they can now reassess where they are at and where they need to improve to obtain the final scores they want to achieve. 

Heritage Building Plaque

The plaque commemorating the Blessing and Opening of the Refurbishment of the Hertiage Building has now been mounted in the corridor linking the Heritage Building and Oblate Hall. 

Oblate Seminarian Experience

During the last couple of weeks of this term, two Oblate seminarians will be in our college and St John Vianney Parish gaining some pastoral experience.


Br Benjamin OMI (left) is from the Oblate Mission of Nigeria and currently comes to Mazenod each Friday. Br Emmanuel OMI (right) is also from Nigeria and has previously been at Mazenod for pastoral experience.


We welcome both to our Oblate and Mazenod communities. 

2024 The Year of Prayer

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has asked that this year of 2024 be “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world”.



The fifth prayer tradition for our faith journey is that of family prayer.   


5: Family Prayer: The Church has always reaffirmed the importance of prayer in the family by reminding us how the first teachings received as children are the crucial ones that remain steadfast in daily life, even when we have grown up. The family, within which our young people will take his or her first steps and say his or her first words, such as “mum” or “dad,” “thank you” and “please,” is also the place of teaching prayer and saying “thank you” to the Lord. Pope Francis stresses that “moments of family prayer and acts of devotion can be more powerful for the ongoing faith development of our young people and ourselves than any catechism class or sermon”.


*Prayer before and after meals: One of the main places where families gather is sharing at least one meal a day. This time could be a short but meaningful opportunity to pray together as a family, thanking the Lord for what we have received and praying for those most in need.


*Prayer at the beginning and end of the day:  Another opportunity for family prayer is when our young people go to bed. We can pray with them that the day has ended well, for sick relatives/friends, or even just thanking God for the time spent with family/friends, helps the children recognize the blessings they have received. A great way to end these prayers is with the exchange of peace among siblings, so that they do not go to bed angry about what happened during the day. Pope Francis suggests: never end the day without making peace!


PRAYER: For all of us prayer is important element of our spiritual lives as it helps to ground us in the reality that all the blessings, all the good things we continue to receive come from our loving God. 


**Going into my teen’s bedroom is like visiting Ikea, pop in for a quick look around, leave with glasses, bowls, cutlery, and towels. 





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI