Principal's Post

Refugee Week (June 16 - June 22)
The theme of Refugee Week in 2024 (16-22 June) is Finding Freedom: Family. This theme reminds us of the freedom that refugees have lost in being forced from their own nations. They continue to bear this loss in the nations to which they flee, and often find further loss of freedom in nations where they seek protection. These nations, including Australia, are often unfree in many ways, their leaders yielding to anxiety and refusing to lead in compassion, and their people susceptible to xenophobia.
As a result, people who seek protection find more obstacles placed on their path which prevent them from arriving, deter them from seeking protection, curtail the freedom of those who do arrive, prevent them from again being united with their families, and exclude them from beginning a new life. Refugee Week focuses our attention again on the lives of refugees. It reminds us how precious freedom is and of the costs of the unfreedom that seeps out from under our lack of hospitality.
Freedom to Say and Thrive - Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ.
Personal Academic Excellence
The beginning of Semester 2 is a critical time to implement any needed changes based on feedback from the collated end of semester reports and for most students, from the examination period that has just passed. Students should be regularly revising their classwork and seeing teachers to discuss any questions they may have about individual subjects. In this, the role of the Pastoral Leader is very important, and parents are encouraged to be in contact for any questions on progress and wellbeing.
Wellbeing Support
The Mazenod College Counselling Service will continue within usual school operating hours. Parents or students may wish to discuss the possibility of counselling support by contacting our College Psychologists via email
I ask that you continue to work closely with the school and if you have any concerns or queries, please contact Thank you for your support as we work to keep our staff and students safe.
All the best,
Dr Paul Shannon