Principal Post

Dear Families,
This term we have noticed so many SJV students putting the strategies they are learning as part of Resilience Project into action- Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. It is lovely to walk around listening to them thank each other and noticing when others are being kind.
The growth academically has also been a credit to all. It is especially noticeable as you walk into our Foundation classes to listen to them reading and listening to our 5/6 students present such well crafted speeches during the Public Speaking Program. We thank our teachers and other staff for all their hard work.
We also thank all our families who came to Parent /Teacher interview. The relationship between families and schools is paramount to have the best success for our students. If you were unable to come please use seesaw if you wish to make another time to see your child's teacher.
It will be lovely to have Andrew back on board at the beginning of term 3. It sounds like he is having a lovely time enjoying some sunshine. Have a happy and safe holiday!
Winter Appeal
Thank you to all the families who bought food in to support the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
We saw some fabulous costumes from the students -'What I want to be when I grow up day'. This Social Justice helps our students to put words into action. If you forgot to bring food you still can bring some into school.
The St Vincent de Paul volunteers picked up the food and will use it to support 75 local families.
Resilience Awards
This week at assembly three people won Awards. Miss Whiting won an award for Empathy; accepting and getting to know and understand all of her students well.
Zibo also won an award for empathy or helping all his classmates and teachers because he has been a good role model to his peers.
The last award presented for Gratitude went to Luke for sharing why he is grateful in a positive and inspiring way.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
We are excited to begin delivering explicit lessons around the values below next term. Staff will begin our acknowledgment system with the students for displaying the following:
I am Responsible when I...
I am Respectful when I.....
I am Resilient when I....
2nd Hand School Uniforms
If you have any uniforms that you have grown out of please bring them to school to forward onto another family. We have some available at school for a small donation if you need just ask at the front office.
Thursday 27th June - Early Finish 1pm
Friday 28th June - Maths PL for Staff only
On the 26th July will will celebrate Grandparents Day Mass. Our FL will host the mass.
All Grandparents/ Special Friends will be invited to attend and there will be activities in all classrooms to celebrate this special day.
This celebrates the Feast Day of Joachim and Anne- Jesus Grandparents. We look forward to as many Grandparents or special friends to attend this school event.
Closure Day- Maths Professional Learning for Staff
On Friday the 26th Teachers will receive PL around the new Victorian curriculum. They will also continue there work with the Science of Learning in the area of Mathematics. Explicit instruction is structured, systematic, and scaffolded instruction and is currently used throughout the school. When teachers adopt explicit teaching practices, they ensure students know what to do and why. The teacher plans the learning intentions and success criteria, makes them apparent to students and ensures they are modelled. By the end of the learning sequence, student understanding is validated and planned mathematical connections are established.
From Cyber Safety expert Susan McClean
Kids today have access to and are accessible to many millions of people worldwide via the vast array of websites, applications, and online games. The unprecedented amount of personal information available on these sites makes them a perfect place for people who would happily identify their victims and gain their trust. Other identified dangers include exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and harassment, exchange of inappropriate images, and identity theft. Children and Teens are often not aware that their words and or photos, which may have been intended for a small audience, sometimes find their way to a larger one, often with both unexpected and undesirable consequences.
Watch your child's online behaviour over the holidays!
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