Education in Faith News

Connie Bandiera, Education in Faith Leader

The Sacrament of Confirmation                                                          

With just over a month away for our Year Six’s Sacrament of Confirmation, preparations will be at the forefront of their learning this term. Students will develop an understanding of what it means to be a spirit-filled person and how Saints and Spirit-filled people are disciples who use their gifts to share in Jesus Christ’s mission.  


A reminder for our Year 6 families to please keep Tuesday 30 July free for our Family Faith night.  The students, along with their family will explore Church, service and leadership, learning about people who are good role models. The evening will be facilitated by Fr Elio Capra, who has previously worked with the St John’s staff and with our First Eucharist families. The evening will commence at 6:30pm and we look forward to seeing you then.


As Confirmation candidates continue to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation we pray:


God of Life, 

You have called us all by name to be your children. 

Guide, protect and inspire us as we present our children for the sacrament of Confirmation. Continue to keep all your children in your tender, loving care. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 


Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 30 July 6:30 pm                  Year 6 Family Faith Evening with Fr Elio Capra

Thursday 15 August 12:00pm        Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary - St John's Church        

Thursday 15 August                           Year 6 - Confirmation Reflection Day           

Sunday 18 August 2:00pm              Year 6 - Confirmation - St Patrick’s Cathedral  

Thursday 31 October 7:00pm        Year 3 - First Reconciliation