Assistant Principal's Message

Welcome Back
It has been an enjoyable and settled return to school this term and it has been exciting to take on the role of Acting Assistant Principal whilst Mrs. D enjoys the sunshine of Europe. In my classroom visits this term, I have observed dedicated teachers delivering the curriculum in an engaging way and calm, focused students giving maximum effort.
‘Steplab’ Instructional Coaching
As we continue to consolidate the professional development our staff have undertaken, 4 more staff members were provided with coaching training to ensure that all staff members, no matter their level of experience, have the opportunity for ongoing support with instruction and behaviour management.
ICAS (Year 2-6 students)
The registration date for ICAS assessments is Monday 29 July at 11:59pm. It is exciting to see so many parents and carers registering their child for these opportunities to test themselves in the areas of Maths, English and Science. If you would like to read more, follow this link:
If you would like your child to participate, sign up through the Parent Portal using the access code: LYT179
Subject | Sitting Date | Cost (AU$) |
English | 12-16 Aug | $19.95 |
Science | 19-23 Aug | $19.95 |
Mathematics | 26-30Aug | $19.95 |
We have had a very busy start to Term 3, everyone has settled back into the routine. Last week we were very fortunate to have our year 4 and 5 cohort involved in a program by Endeavour Youth Australia. This program develops the leadership capacity of students in multicultural environments tackling issues including identity, discrimination, racism, and respectful behaviours. The concept of leadership is used as a framework to explore issues young people confront and support personal development. A group of students have been selected to be involved in this program which is being delivered to students for an hour a week during this term.
Empowering Leadership for Inclusive Education
Last week I was very fortunate to attend a workshop on Empowering Leadership for Inclusive Education facilitated by Dr Katie Novak. Dr Novak travelled from Massachusetts to present this workshop. Katie is an energetic enthusiastic and passionate advocate for inclusive education and was very inspiring. Katie spoke about Universal design for Learning, Multi-tiered systems of support and universal design leadership. I will be sharing some of strategies with our school leadership team to strengthen our skills in inclusive education. I particularly enjoyed working with some of the AI tools to enhance our education environment and support all students.
Curriculum Day
Our Week 5 Curriculum Day on the 12th of August will have a wellbeing focus which will enable our staff to reflect upon and improve our wellbeing practices.
Margaret Whitford
Inclusive leading teacher.