Whole school Production

Dear Menzies Families,
This term, the whole school will be participating in a live performance of the play: -” Twisting Through Time”. The main speaking parts were chosen from the 5/6 classes late last term, and they will be rehearsing their roles with me on Monday afternoons each week. Every class will be presenting a dance item in the play and Bec will rehearse these items during each grade’s Performing Arts sessions. Most costumes for the play will be sourced here at school but families may be asked to assist with small, easy to access items such as specific-coloured socks or T-shirts. You will receive plenty of warning if this is needed!
The production date is September 12th and will take place at 7pm at Emerald Secondary College Theatre. Families will be required to arrange for students to be dropped off at the theatre by 6.30 pm for preparation before the performance.
All students will travel by bus to the theatre during the day on the 12th of September, to participate in a full- dress rehearsal at the venue. They will return to school before the end of the day for normal pick up.
Notices regarding bus permission and payments for the rehearsal and ticket purchases to view the performance, will be posted by the middle of August.
The students and staff are all very excited about being involved and so am I!
Anne Matheson (production co-ordinator),