Principal Update

Thursday 1st August
School Values and Guidelines
With our visit from NED last week we thought a reminder on our school guidelines and values is appropriate as the message from NED to Never Give Up, Encourage Others and Do Your Best sits nicely with our guidelines of:
- Do Your Best
- Help Others Succeed
- Respect Your Environment
At Menzies Creek we strive to maintain a strong sense of community through the following values:
- Respect – to understand, consider and have regard for the rights of others
- Persistence – in working hard to overcome challenges
- Kindness – by showing understanding and care to others
- Gratitude – by being thankful for what we have and get to experience
We make these a focus in Care Groups as part of our social and emotional relational learning. When awarding student of the week awards we look to see these traits shining in our students.
Trivia Night
Last Friday evening was a wonderful opportunity for our school community to connect as we enjoyed our 2024 ‘Christmas in July’ themed Trivia Night. A huge acknowledgment to our Community Relations subcommittee of School Council for organising the night. Particular thanks must go to Dani Pearce for her overall coordination and making sure everything ran smoothly. Thanks also to Sarah Wicking for her efforts on the night. The feedback received has been overwhelmingly positive which is always nice to hear. This is the 2nd year we have held a Trivia Night as we look to engage our school and wider community. The Pizza food truck was also a highlight. Thanks to Angelo from La Bella Vita Pizzeria. They are on Facebook and Instagram.
Book Week – dress up day on Friday 23 August
This year the theme is Reading is Magic. Staff and students are invited to come dressed as a favourite character or book or author.
Head to the website Children’s Book Council of Australia more information on shortlisted books that you might to share at home
Pre-Service Teachers
We are pleased to be hosting some pre-service teachers this term in 2NW and 56D They are enjoying working alongside our mentor teachers and getting to work with our students. Welcome to Abbey, Kayla and Casey.
Foundation students reach 100 days of school
It was wonderful seeing our Foundation students celebrate their 100th day of schooling by dressing up as what they wish to be when they are older. We had gamers, professional sports players, monster truck drivers, vets, singers, artists, tradies, armed forces, librarians as well as princesses and fairies.
Do you like to garden?
We have some parents in our community who are wanting to do some weeding before the end of the school day when the weather improves. If this sounds like something you would like to do please contact the office. It will provide a chance to catch up with other parents and help the school!
We had enough frost this morning for some of our students to try and make some snow/ice balls. It was a chilly 2 degrees!
Take care,
Dale McInerney