School News 


Welcome Back

Welcome back to our school community and we hope that all families have had a great holiday and that everyone is feeling refreshed and ready for another exciting term. 


A very warm welcome to our new families who are joining us for the first time and a special welcome to our first cohort of Mid-Year Receptions. 


Students have settled back into their learning routines which has been pleasing to see and we are looking forward to another positive term ahead.



NAPLAN Reports for Years 3 and 5 were distributed to families yesterday.  LNPS students performed extremely well and we achieved in the 'Strong' proficiency band. Teachers and leaders will be using data to plan next steps and celebrate student growth. If you have any questions about NAPLAN please contact the Leadership Team.


Learning Conferences

LNPS continuously strives to create the best possible conditions for learning, and an important element is our approach to student goal setting. Throughout the year students and staff engage in learning experiences where time is taken to discover strengths and the areas for growth that they would like to focus on. 


This term students will reflect on their existing goals, refine goals as needed, celebrate achievements and plan for further growth. 


Learning Conferences will be happening over Weeks 4, 5 and 6 (12th August to 30th August)


Bookings will be undertaken through and will be open to families from Friday 2nd August 1pm to Friday 9th  August 3pm.


Families will receive an email on Friday 2nd August with details and the link for booking conferences. 


Australian Primary Principals Day (APPD)

APPD is this Friday and is celebrated annually to recognise the importance of principals, deputy principals and assistant principals. Our Leadership team are continually working for the betterment of LNPS and our public education system. 


APPD is a day to celebrate educational leaders of schools and spread awareness of the importance of their role.  Principals set the culture and tone of the school, ensure efficiency, and recruit the best staff for our students. 


Finally, don't forget to book for our Term 3 Parent Education Evening, hosted by the LNPS Education Committee. We would like to see as many families as possible to engage in discussions and community feedback around “What is Wellbeing? and "How can we support our young people with their wellbeing?”

Wednesday 7th August 6:15pm - 7:30pm in Tirkandi (Library)

We ask families to register for the event via THIS LINK.We look forward to seeing many of our community at the workshop. 



Mirjana, Tyson and Nik 

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