Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid and Miss Walter


In Literacy this term, we are exploring the art of Poetry. Student will be learning about the different forms of Poetry and learning some important skills, like figurative language, that enhances the mental image for the reader.

Currently, students are identifying similes and metaphors and forming similes and metaphors in their writing. 

Here are some great examples!


Simile - As smart as a teacher

Metaphor - Life is candy floss


Simile - Covid spread like a bushfire

Metaphor - Her eyes are diamonds


Simile - As sparkly as a sky of stars

Metaphor - My video game is a open door


Simile - As loud of a roar of a bear

Metaphor - My eyes are sapphires 


Integrated Studies

This term our topic is Ethics and Emotions. Students will have a greater capacity to maintain their equilibrium throughout puberty. They will have a range of coping strategies as they move into secondary education. Students will have a repertoire of strategies that support the maintenance of their sense of self-worth and self wellbeing.

They will investigate

•How the media and our peers can influence and pressure us

•How to cope with pressure

•Puberty and challenges associated with puberty


Students have analysed some key identities around the world and discussed what characteristics those identities have to make them who they are. 

Curtis & Eliza - Lisa Simpson

Trav, Aria & Cooper - Grandparent

Jaxen, Will & Ele - Football Team