Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!


We have started a new mentor text this term, The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. We are using the text to explore narrative features and paragraph structure. We are continuing to practise writing compound and complex sentences, and using modal verbs. We are seeing some fabulous results from everyone, and getting some really interesting sentences! 


The girl should swim in between the red and yellow flags so she is safe.

-Eliza, 3/4B


As the pale sunlight pierced through the canopy of trees, a gush of wind blows the fog away whilst he wanders.

-Benji, 3/4B


Georgina needs to put her rubbish in the bin, because she does not want it to end up like yesterday.

-Isabel, 3/4A


The Pegasus glided through the air, but that same moment, a rock with a smile on it hit her from below.

Maddy, 3/4A


In numeracy we have started looking at decimals, and how they relate to fractions. We have practised using MABs to build and write fractions, and making sure that we are saying our numbers really clearly - those added -ths  on the end of decimals can be tricky sometimes! We have also looked at the relationship between decimals and money.


Integrated Studies

We are starting our unit on First Contact, where we will be exploring the the lives of First Australians before European settlers arrived, and how that history has shaped our community and everyday lives. We looked at a day in the life of a historian, and considered what we would like to know about our history, and how we could go about finding out.

Respectful Relationships

This week we played the 'Everyone is Different' game. We called out things like "anybody who likes ice cream come to me" or "if you think dinosaurs are cool, come to me". It was really interesting to see how everyone's opinions differed - we could not find one topic that everyone agreed on! We followed that up with a discussion about respecting each other's differences, and how even when you're the best of friends, you won't always have the same opinions about things.


Upcoming Events

  • In week five, we will be commencing our swimming program. We will be going into the Ballarat Aquatic Centre every Friday for five weeks. 
  • Our 3/4  camp to Cave Hill Creek is coming up in term 4 - mark down November 13th-15th in your calendars. We will be sending home further information and confirming numbers later in the term.