From the (Acting) Principal

Mr Josh Shuttleworth

Term 3 Important Dates

24th July - Netball Tournament 

26th July - Prep & 1 Swim Gym Program commences

1st August - Maths Olympiad (event 3)

5th - 9th August - 5/6 Canberra Camp

13th August - School Council 6.30pm

16th August - 2 to 6 Swimming commences

21st August - Netball Tournament TBC

23rd August - 5/6 Basketball Tournament

5th September - Maths Olympiad (event 4)

12th September - Division Athletics

16th September - Curriculum Day - no school for students

17th -19th September - Parent Teacher Interviews

17th-18th September - Golf Clinics

20th September - End of Term BBQ, Casual Clothes and 2.30pm finish

Camp and Swimming Programs Dates

Prep / 1 Swim & Gym Program - 26th July to 23rd August (Fridays only)

Years 2 - 6 Swimming - 16th August to 13th September (Fridays only)

3/4 Cave Hill Creek Camp - 13th November to 15th November

5/6 Canberra Camp - 5th August to 9th August

Curriculum Days in 2024

Monday 16th September (Term 3)

Monday 11th November (Term 4)

Friday 6th December (Term 4)

Happy Birthday 

Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate their birthday in the coming two weeks

  • Ned
  • Hayley S
  • Lucas
  • Nate
  • Bridget
  • Megan
  • Charlie
  • Sam

Staffing Updates

This term we welcome some new staff, and some existing staff commence new roles:

  • Miss Kennedy will now be teaching STEM in addition to Art.
  • Ms O'Reilly will be teaching PE. Our students will already be familiar with Ms O'Reilly as one of our regular CRTs.
  • Miss Walter has joined our Education Support team. She will mostly be working with our Year 5/6 classes.

We hope everyone makes them feel welcome.

National Tree Day

On Monday August 19 between 2:20pm-3:20pm (weather-permitting), we will be participating in National Tree Day. We have received grants from the Department of Education, and Stockyard Hill Wind Farm, which is allowing us to provide every student in the school with one plant to plant around the school. If you would like to volunteer to help out with this session, please email the school at with details of your Working With Children's Check.

From the (acting) principal

Welcome back for the start of Term 3! I wish the term had offered us a warmer welcome than the first week, but it seems like Mrs Rush has taken all of the good weather with her to Canada.


We have a very busy term ahead of us, with P-1 Swim/Gym, Year 2-6 swimming, Year 5/6 Canberra camp, interschool sports competitions, the Maths Olympiad, and Book Week! With so many events with students moving around, it's a timely reminder to make sure that all uniform items are clearly labelled. This helps to make sure uniform is returned to the right person if it ends up on a bus, changing room, or out in the yard.


Next week, we will be celebrating the work of two of our Year 5/6 students. As part of the DASH program last year, Monique and Kaylee wanted to improve the facilities around the lake and surrounding area. This included installing a drinking fountain. After a few months of working with Central Highlands Water, Blue Light Victoria, and Pyrenees Shire Council, a "Choose Tap" drinking fountain has been installed at the Goldfields Recreation Reserve. We will be holding next week's assembly at the reserve so we can have an official launch. Families, as always, are welcome to attend.


NAPLAN results were sent home last week for our students in Year 3 and 5. As a school, we use these results to identify areas for celebration and improvement. While we know these scores are only a snapshot of what our students have achieved on one particular day, if you'd like to discuss your child's report, please let me know.


I hope everyone has enjoyed the start of term. I'm always grateful for the support of our staff, students, and families when I get the chance to step up into this role. It makes me appreciate all of the hard work that Mrs Rush does. I know everyone will be glad to see her return next week - before she heads off on a slightly shorter "holiday" when she joins our Year 5/6 students on Canberra camp in week