Denise's Message

Dear Families,



On Tuesday 13th our staff will be working with Rob Vingerhoets, an educational consultant and a specialist in the teaching of Mathematics. Rob has worked all over Australia as well as overseas modelling effective maths teaching in classrooms for teachers. We are privileged to be able to spend a day with him to learn how we can continue to improve our teaching of mathematics and in turn, improve our children's engagement and outcomes.

The school will be closed on Tuesday 13, Their Care will provide a full day program if you require this for your child. Please contact Their Care to make a booking.



I am not sure about you but I have spent a lot of time being a couch athlete while watching the Olympics. The dedication, professionalism, and effort shown by all athletes has simply been an inspiration. We have seen Australian athletes achieve personal best efforts, gold, silver and bronze medals and we are all very proud of them.

To acknowledge the Olympics, the Olympians efforts over the past two weeks and that of the and the Para Olympians who we will watch in the coming weeks, we will have an Olympic Day on Monday 12th August. Please refer to the information sent out via Class Dojo by our Community team. 



On Wednesday evening, some of our Year 3/4 children gathered at St. Michael's Church to celebrate their First Reconciliation. This sacrament, one of the seven celebrated within the Catholic faith, is an important step before receiving the Eucharist for the first time.

In preparation, these children, alongside their classmates, have dedicated time in class and at Sunday Mass with Father Nicholas. The sacrament of Reconciliation invites us all to reflect on our lives, considering how we live and interact with others. It challenges us to be trustworthy, kind, and considerate, encouraging us to pray and seek God's guidance in striving to be better each day.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to these children on their First Reconciliation. I also want to express my gratitude to their families, teachers, our Religious Education Leader, Hang, and Father Nicholas for their support and guidance.

Let us all keep these children in our prayers as they continue their spiritual journey.


Discovery Cluster

On Monday, St. Michael's proudly welcomed over 30 teachers and leaders from Catholic primary schools across the metropolitan areas of Melbourne. These educators joined us to participate in professional learning focused on Discovery Learning in Years Prep to Year 2 and to observe and engage in our P-2 Discovery Sessions.

This gathering provided a wonderful opportunity to showcase the exceptional work happening within our school and to allow our staff and students to shine in front of fellow educators. Since the event, we have received numerous accolades and messages of praise for the level of excellence displayed during our Discovery Sessions.

I extend my congratulations and gratitude to our Prep to Year 2 staff for their meticulous preparation of the Discovery Learning areas and for creating engaging, challenging, and purposeful learning opportunities for our children. A special thank you to our Learning and Teaching Leader, Lauren, and our Discovery Leader, Tahlia, for their dedication in preparing and organising the day.

St. Michael's is recognised by our educational peers as a school of excellence, a distinction of which we can all be very proud.


School Fees and Levies

Families not on a direct debit payment system are asked to complete payment of all school fees and levies before the end of this term. Final invoices were sent out this week. If you would like to discuss your payment plan, please speak to Michelle who will arrange an appointment time to meet with me.


2025 School Year

It is hard to believe but we have already begun planning for 2025 and are in the process of setting up class groups. We continue to receive requests for enrolments across the school so to assist in this process I ask families that already know their children will not be attending St Michael's next year, to please contact me as soon as possible.


I also ask that if you know any families interested in enroling their children into St Michael's in 2025 that you inform them to contact the school as soon as possible as some class levels are almost at capacity.


Denise Hussey



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school./