PE News


This Friday on 26th of June our Girls Tee-Ball team will be representing ‘Mano’ at the Regional Tee-Ball Championships in Geelong. The girls will be competing against the top schools from our Region and we wish them all the best! Thanks to Mr Urquhart who has been training each week, helping the team get ready and be best prepared. We look forward to hearing how the girls go and we know they will do ‘Mano’ proud!



A huge congratulations to the 72 students who will be representing 'Mano' at the next stage of Athletics on Wednesday 7th August at Goldsworthy Reserve. Students from 3-6 who made it into the team have received their slip of events and also the program for the day. We will be training at lunch times over this Term and it is up to the students to attend these events.

Reminder: If your child is in the 1500M event - It will be up to the parent/guardian to take them at 8:50 am to the venue as the event is at 9:10 am. The rest of the students will meet at 'Mano' around 8:50 am to catch a bus to the event. Further details to come.

Please come an see Mr Hambrook if any questions.



Over the last 2 weeks the very lucky Grade 3’s have been given the opportunity to engage and learn some of the skills in skate-boarding. With the Olympics just around the corner, Steve from ‘Skate To The Future’ came out and covered the basic introduction to skating and touch on a little healthier lifestyle choices, teaching and encouraging some stretching, whilst giving the students the opportunity to safely try a new sport in different ways. The students absolutely loved it, showing tremendous resilience, effort, concentration and skill. We thank Steve greatly who has just opened his new skate-park and is running skate lessons with ‘Skate To The Future’.