
 - Miss Kristen Waldron


We appreciate the abundance in our lives and recognise the value in every moment and every person we encounter.


At the end of last term, Mr Horne encouraged staff to reflect on the importance of gratitude and to take the time to consider all the things we are grateful for.  In our assembly on Wednesday, I reinforced Mr Horne’s message and encouraged our students to remain aware of the good things in their lives.  As we begin a new semester with new opportunities, new friends and new challenges there is always much to be grateful for. 


What is that you can do that others may feel grateful you are in their life? 


Here is a list of some recent things that I am grateful for: 

  • Over the holidays, I had a very special trip to Rome and Tuscany with my niece Libby. It was an amazing experience and I feel incredible grateful that I was able to do this with my family. But I was also grateful to return to the comfort of home, and good coffee!
  • That all our students have returned safely from their holidays
  • I am grateful for the roof over my head, the meal I will eat tonight and for the friends and family who care for me each day. 
  • I am grateful that I get to work with the students at this school every day. 
  • For the time spent with my colleagues on Monday as we prepared for the new term ahead.
  • For my Year 12 PE Class – for their hard work, dedication and humour.
  • To all the students that have said hello or good morning, Miss Waldron, how was your holiday?
  • To the student buddies who have made all our new students feel welcome.
  • That our Year 10s can travel to Central Australia this week, that our Year 8s will travel to Mittagundi and our Year 9s to Vietnam. I am grateful for all the opportunities provided to us all. 


What are you most grateful for?

Students were also reminded of our new classroom management procedures and our focus on academic progress and learning in every class. This poster is displayed in all classrooms. This process not only supports students who have not been able to focus but also recognises the students who are working above expectation.

Best wishes for a positive and productive Term 3.