From the Principal

2025 School Camp - Lady Northcote Cancelled
In sad news, we did not reach our target of 40 students for the 2025 Lady Northcote Camp so have cancelled our booking. In the 30 years I have been at Lalor East, this is the only time we have had to cancel a school camp.
The office team will be in touch in the next week with families in who paid their deposit to make arrangements to return your money.
Hopefully, camp will be able to go ahead again in 2026.
Staff Professional Practice Day
Students will not be required to attend school on Wednesday 28 August as this is a Professional Practice Day for staff. Staff will be completing a range of different administrative tasks on this day or completing online training.
Bookings can be made with TheirCare on this day should you require care for your child on this day. The usual fees for a full day attendance will apply.
Prep Celebrations
On Monday 5 August the Prep students celebrated Milo the Monkey's Birthday and 100 days of school for themselves! Thank you to the parents for supporting this special day in the Prep calendar by dressing your child in their party clothes or as a character from the Milo the Monkey book.
Scenes from my week . . .
During my visits to the classrooms during the week I was able to watch 1/2B experiment with programming the Beebots. There was lots of excitement when their 'code' made the Beebot go where they had directed.
Parliament Prize Recognition
Shout out to Kassem and Aleena on achieving a Highly Commended on their 2024 entries to the Parliament Prize competition. Highly Commended places Kassem and Aleena in the top 10% of entries in the State! This is two years in a row Kassem has received this award. Well done to both students on your outstanding achievement!
Linda Richards