Visual Art news

What a terrific term we have planned for Visual Art this term!
Students have been introduced (or reintroduced) to the amazing world of STEAM PUNK!!!!
Foundation students were in awe at the idea of robotic minibeasts and completed some amazing drawings of mechanical butterflies, beetles and bugs, to name a few. Grade one and two students were enthralled with the short two minute clip of a two-dimensional animation called Hullabaloo. It depicts a futuristic steam punk world and demonstrates the process of creating animations from sketches to completed film. Hullaballoo was very inspiring and grade one and two students created some really amazing robotic creatures, machines and worlds afterwards.
Grade three to six students spent time tuning-in to line-study through steam punk drawing. They began working on the detail required to represent the mechanical parts that are characteristic of steam punk art. Cogs and gears, clocks and springs were prominent features in our artworks this week.
Next week we will begin to experiment with print-making; using fine artists foam to create intaglio prints, inspired by steam punk!
Ginny Tulloch 😊
Forest School Specialist Teacher
Visual Art Specialist Teacher