Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly, on Friday the 26th of July at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB).
FKH - Florence C - for her sensational independent writing.
FSI - Jarli A-S - for working really hard with all of his learning.
1/2CD - Dion S - for his terrific effort with learning about money.
1/2CD - Luca H - for being focussed during all work tasks.
1/2TT - Lily B - for trying really hard with all her learning.
1/2TT - Bonnie C - for working really hard to improve in all areas.
3/4BM - Grace H - for her accurate and well written Olympic texts.
3/4BM - Isaac M - for a well written and beautifully illustrated? poem.
5/6AB - Monique P - for outstanding maths knowledge during cartesian coordinates.
5/6AB - Lorna L - for showing great persistance with her writing.
5/6GP - Syd M - for a productive and joyful start to term 3.