Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education News

Welcome to term 3! We hope everyone had a great break and are ready and refreshed for a new term. We have welcomed some new staff; Sara in SM, Lydia in Blue room, Elise N in Green Room as an ES and Madonna as a cover teacher. We have also welcomed some students who have come across from the Primary sector and a few new enrolments. 


Blue Room: New students are settling in well. Students have been enjoying music and movement as well as activities involving gross motor skills. Students are also responding well to the morning routine guided by the new schedule system.



Green Room: Students have been enjoying exploring different personal development activities such as identifying hot and cold through sensory experiences. Students are also enjoying cooking and PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) with their specialist teacher.


Purple Room:

Lucinda, Mason, Jaxon and Niall all got into State for cross country and competed last Thursday. 

Lucinda Came first at Little Athletics Northern Region Cross Country! (During school holidays). 


SJ: Last term the students participated in water safety at Seymour Sports and Aquatics Centre. Students have been working on their social and emotional skills. Students have been learning about a wide range of different emotions and strategies to help them self-regulate. Students have been successful in identifying situations that they can and can't control and have been looking at the size of a problem and matching reaction size to problems. In English students have been learning a range of comprehension strategies to improve their understanding when reading. In maths students have been working hard on a range of hands-on real-life money activities such as shopping based scenarios, budget activities and basic money counting activities including giving change.


SM: SM have started this term with exciting events! Not only have SM been thrilled starting the term with a new teacher! SM were also very excited to have had their first swimming session of the year, following every second week with swimming drills and fun activities! Some SM students had Cross Country and progressed from Benalla to Yarra Glen! They gave it their all with great enthusiasm and are very happy having tried their best.


VPC: Students completed Treat Jars project (ran a small business selling treat jars to staff). They have set up new garden beds with winter vegetables growing in them. Work experience is well under way with multiple placements (op shops, hospital, salvos, etc) and students have participated in the First Aid course.